
Do my teeth look healthy?

by  |  earlier

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u am going to the dentist soon.

how old do my teeth look - eg: how old am i




  1. blimey - whatever next.....

  2. very s**y teeth email me  

  3. I've seen the "how old do i look" but "how how do my teeth look" tops it all!

  4. Ewwwww...

  5. My girlfriend says its like asking if your bum looks healthy.........she on a mad one! I say look healthy,better than mine(too many caps) Id say in your thirties,possibly because of the gum line,if im wrong sorry,dont mean to offend : )

  6. at least you have some

  7. You could possibly win the most disgusting smile award.

  8. honestly, did you expect a real answer?

    Besides your picture is blurry so how can someone

    truly give you an honest opinion.

  9. all your other teeth look nice but the one you have circled doesn't look healthy when you go to the dentist you should ask him about it  

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