
Do mystery shoppers realize that they get people fired?

by  |  earlier

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at least in my case they do.




  1. must have been doing something wrong at work

  2. alot of mystery shoppers contradict themselves and get the workers in trouble.alot of them nit pick.ive worked at places that had mystery shoppers and evn the district manager has commented on inconsistencies in their reviews,and when people are just completely ridiculous.ive been on one where the score was really bad but for her comments it was all praises.the system at some places is completely flawed.

  3. People get themselves fired.  If they are doing their job correctly, they have nothing to worry about.  We have mystery shoppers where I work and none of us has had any problems.

  4. Meh, they get paid, why would they care?

  5. so your point is ??

  6. I have been mystery shopped several times and it's no big deal if your doing your job. I never was rated badly. They are doing their job just as you were, if you were fired I'm sorry, but, you didn't do good enough apparently.

  7. That Mystery Shopper was only doing her job. If anyone got fired for the bad review it is either their fault or the bosses. I think your boss is being unfair, however, since HE'S the one who might miss a trip to Hawaii and he fires you for that one bad review. If you have not had any other problems prior to that, you shouldn't have been fired for it. I had reviews by several Mystery Shoppers when I worked for Macy's and never had a problem.

  8. I have been a mystery shopper before, the assignments are very specific in what they are looking for, obviously your boss did not meet the requirements.

    Sorry if that seems harsh but that is reality, perhaps he can do some introspection and improve.

  9. Quit yer whining!

  10. I dont think they realy know the amount of damage they cost.

    I mean they think that if they submit a bad review its probably just going to get over looked and nothing will happen. So they probably put extra stuff on therre that most likely did not happen and get a good worked fired.

  11. Mystery shoppers are trained to believe that they're doing the store owner a service by providing an evaluation of the store, so that the store can provide the best service possible. They are hired by the stores themselves.

    You lost your job because you probably provided bad service. So, the person most responsible is you--not the mystery shopper. However, it does suck to lose your job and I can relate that working retail sucks. Sorry.

  12. Well if you give bad service then you should expect it.

    That's why they have those "mystery" shoppers to keep tabs on employees and see how they treat customers.

    No business wants bad word of mouth to spread so...

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