
Do native americans have accents?

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Do native americans have accents?




  1. Yes of course. All humans do. It's one of the ways we sort out who is who.

  2. yes, a deep, almost slured sound

  3. every single person in the world has an accent

  4. I never thought about that...

  5. Do you mean in their own tongue?  I suppose so.  For example, many tribes allow membership based on % of indian blood.  That means that a Cherokee from Florida could live on a reservation up north.  I bet to the northerners, he speaks his native language with a "southern" accent.

    Very common in languages.

  6. im partly native american and i have a boston accent...does this help?

  7. not necessarily.

    The ones that have lived in America for years don't

    but then again everyone has an accent.

  8. alot of them do.

  9. some do, some don't. My old man doesn't but many of his Aunts and Uncles do.

  10. yes

  11. Yes, if they learned their native language before English or Spanish. While on a plane I talked to a woman with an accent I could not place (I'm fairly good at determining ethnicity from accent). Finally I asked her what language she'd spoken as a child... it was Cherokee.  The accent will vary depending upon tribe but Navajo & Apache is most difficult to identify because the accent sounds close to Chinese.

  12. The ones who know and speak there native language do.....many have forgotten or do not want to talk/learn it.

  13. An accent is a manner of pronunciation or a way of pronouncing words that indicates the place of origin or social background of the speaker.  So of course like everyone else I am sure native Americans have their own accent.  Tatonka!

  14. Every person has an accent...

  15. Everyone in the world except for Americans have accents.

  16. some of them

  17. Yes some do. Depending on tribe and level of activity in the non-tribal world.

  18. yea its called redneckein and they have bananas and they will kill you if you keep asking them stupid questions. THEY KILLED ME in two years

  19. The same amount of accent as you believe you have...

  20. Yes, and they vary by region, just like most peoples' accents, no matter what their race and/or language.

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