
Do nice guys really finish last?

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Why do nice guys finish last? Women like the bad boy. The nice dude gets the ugly girl that nobody wants. The nice guy at the office works in the mail room. The biggest tools in the whole company are usually the ones who run the show. What is that about? Does someone have either a biblical or psychological answer?

Also if you have been the nice guy and are tired of always doing the right thing while you watch the worst around you getting the best, WHAT DO YOU DO?




  1. dude they dont finish last...find the right girl and she will love it. if she likes bad boys...there is always some soft spot even a bad girl has that if you are nice and connect with she will appreciate it. nice guys dont always finish last. bad guys may get to date the girl but the nice guy gets to date her and keep her  

  2. I think a lot of what you are doing is sterotyping. I really don't think this is always the case.

  3. They finish where they choose to finish. Bad boys don't always get the girl, but they also don't moan and groan when they don't...they just move on to the next one.

    The guys who have worse luck dating are the ones who lack confidence. Alas, the bad boys often are confident so tend to do better. Just about anyone is going to be more drawn to someone who is confident and self assured (no matter what they look like) than someone insecure, shy, having low self esteem, etc.

    Girls don't go for bad boys (because they are bad) so much as confident's not until they're involved with a guy that they discover he's an azz that will treat them poorly. Not all confident guys are jerks, but some are...and there are very few shy and introverted bad boys.

  4. Nice guys do get the hot girl..............but not while she's hot.  They get her after she's been knocked up and rode hard by all the jerks that women claim that they hate.  Once their looks fade and the jerks lose interest, then suddenly now that they're over 30 and not so hot, they give old Poindexter the time of day now, because he's Mr Dependable.

    Its like the guy who drives a old used Lexus, it used to be top of the line, but now there's a ton of miles on it, the seats are ripped from so many people getting in and out of it.....  But the guy is happy because it is a Lexus and it used to be a nice looking car.

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