
Do night-vision goggles require batteries?

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Do night-vision goggles require batteries?




  1. The ones currently used (PVS-14) require a single AA battery.

  2. Yes.  Every NVG I've used either has an internal battery source or an external battery pack attached to a helmet.

  3. yea they  batteries but they can be solar powered to  

  4. Yes they do.  There is a microchip in them that requires power for resetting itself and enhancing the night viewing capabilities that different models of night vision goggles have.  Some models are more sophisticated optically and reset better than others.  Ones used by most everyone being less than those that are used by helicopter pilots for instance.  The depth perception of those is almost perfect and they reset in a second or two while the ones you see worn on helmets or in a harness on a head are less optically perfect and can take three to five seconds to reset or even longer depending on the battery and the life of the microchip that does this.  While three to five seconds does not sound like a long time when driving a vehicle, involved in combat operations it can be long enough to cost you your life.  When they are resetting they "white out" and this is caused by viewing normal white or bright light and is one of the reasons that during these kind of operations only green or red light are used when NVGs are being used.  The Harrison Ford movie where they flip on the lights when down in the basement to cause this "white out" is a good visual representation of this.  

  5. The latest ones require portable nuclear reactors..

  6. 3 Volts to 24 Volts According to the utility..

  7. No.  They are solar powered.

    (sarcasm intended)

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