
Do non-Arab Muslims have a better understanding of Islam/the ummah than Arabs?

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In the UK when there were demonstrations against attacking Iraq, a Muslim Arab country, many Ajam Muslims from indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi background took part along with Arab Muslims because it was fellow Muslims being attacked. Many MPs lost their seats because Asian Muslims voted against their support for attacking an Arab country.

But during the demonstrations against attacking Afghanistan there were again Ajam Muslims but very few Arabs. The Ajams demonstarted becase it was fellow Muslims being attacked-the Arabs didnt because it wasnt Arabs being attacked.

Ajamis talk of the Muslim ummah-Arabs of the "Arab" ummah !!!

Ajams will stick up for the Palestinians (look at Iran !) Arabs dont stick up for Kashmiris, Chechens, Gujurati Muslims etc




  1. Understanding of a religion can not be restricted to a cultural block.

    Its illogical.

  2. i think it doesnt mean anything if your arab muslims or american muslims or anything like that cuz were all muslims some arabs could know more than other cultures but the other cultures could know more about islam than arabs!!! there all muslims n u dont know if all arabs dont stick up for non arabs/muslims!!! some might and some moght not!!! its the same som non muslims might stick up for arabs n some might not!!!!

  3. You silly! Arabs do stand up for all those countries. Haven't you ever heard of Usama bin Laden?!

  4. Arabs are very misjudged because no one knows what they're going through in their own countrys . i used to live in Egypt and i still come and go , when ever fellow muslims are in trouble somewhere , the people protest to push the government into taking a stance , but the government deploys cops and beats people and bomb them with smoke bombs , people are oppressed in arabs countries , so please don't judge them .

    but in comparison btn arabs muslims and non-arabs muslims , arab muslims are mostly muslims by birth , but non-arab muslims are people who were converted to islam after they thought very well , so these type of characters are unique because they are thoughtful , and the same percentage of people like them do exist among arabs. so people are people everywhere , but every one and every nation has it's trouble that no one else feels

    another thing about arabs , that they don't earn their religion . non-arabs have to learn arabic to understand Qur'an right , so they earn their religion . but arabs know arabic and it's easy for them to understand Qur'an , some can see this as an advantage but unfortunately everything that comes easy goes easy if you know what i mean , so it's almost the same both sides regarding that language thing , but non-arabs get much more blessings by trying , arabs don't . non-arabs (if they learn or try to learn arabic) have more faith than arabs . but arabs have very great people too and they appreciate the gift of being born a muslim and understanding qur'an without making effort . the thing is , it's almost the same percentage everywhere

    and overall we are all muslims and we should stick together instead of discriminating eachother

  5. It shouldn't matter if a muslim is an Arab or a non-Arab.  Our duties toward Islam and Allah are all the same.  Non-Arab muslims don't necessarily have a better understanding of Islam.

  6. I agree with you in some cases to where I have gone through.....I dont mean to be racist but I share your observation in this case but I agree more with Lawrence of Arabia's answer

    To a US mosque in a major US city, we can see the majority of mosque attendees are non-arabs, but of Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi background......

    There are religious arabs of course but they are not nearly as many as the Indians Pakistanis Afghanis and Bangladeshis

    You know outside Iran many of the Persian expatriates living outside Iran are also hypocrites...But inside Iran the whole thing is changed, the majority are religious and to a level aware of worldly politics....

    And to my view the only ones who stand up for Palestine are Ajams as you said.... Ask any Bangladeshi muslim, he will agree to die for saving Palestine (even though he doesnt know any Palestinian in his life) while Wahabis in Saudi Arabia are busy putting takfir on Shias and Sunnis and calling them kafir......

  7. Judy: This is Verse 9; Sura 9. "The wandering Arabs are more hard in disbelief and hypocrisy, and more likely to be ignorant of the limits which Allah hath revealed unto His messenger. And Allah is Knower, Wise. الاعراب اشد كفرا ونفاقا واجدر الا يعلموا حدود ما انزل الله على رسوله والله عليم حكيم "

    I believe yes; at the moment: Yes. The Sun of Science in the Arab world is collapsing; while it is rising - by the mercy of God - in other Muslim countries.

    Arabs for instance are stoning Women for adultery; while this is never the punbishment for that. Arabs de[prive women from Inheritence; and do not distribute the property of the dead on the testators for their "Custom".

    Ajams are everyone from outside the Arabian Penensula. That Includes Persia; Egypt; Lebanon; and the rest of the world.

  8. Arabs are good people!!!

    don't make Fitna in the name of Race!!

    Arabs Always stayed in the first line!!

  9. Yeah.

  10. no I don't think they do. There is even a verse in the Quran which indicates they are one of the biggest to be lead astray.

  11. This Aya doesn't even exist in the Qura'an!!!

    besids Islam was made for all people everywhere...and, no, this doesn't make Arabs prior to other Muslims,,,,

    There is a hadith for this:

    'people are equal as the tips of the comb' to name one

    I think other Muslims , you chose to call them Ajam, perform Islam sometimes better than Arabs,,, So please stop those hate notes you post just because of personal points of view....

  12. have you forgot the fact that you are following an Arabian prophet ?

    Yusufali 9:99]  some of the desert Arabs believe in Allah and the Last Day, and look on their payments as pious gifts bringing them nearer to Allah and obtaining the prayers of the Messenger. Aye, indeed they bring them nearer (to Him): soon will Allah admit them to His Mercy: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful

    you are on side minded person .

    non arab muslims who live in the west are NOT NOT NOT  btter muslims

    non arab muslims believe in :

    g**s is okay


    secular goverment

    watching women in beaches is not haram

    israel is for the jews

    you are one small minded ignorant

    its the arabs who faught against israel. six wars in a row

    its the king of saudi arabia who cut oil of america while you werre moving there to watch naked women

  13. majority of arabs are hypocrits...

    9:97 The Arabs are the worst in rejection and hypocrisy, and more likely not to know the limits of what God has sent down upon His messenger. God is Knower, Wise.

    you have added Bedouins,,,in Arabic Quran it doesnt say deouins..the verse says ARABS

  14. I am Arab, and I think that the contributions of non-Arab Muslims were very enough to consider them as you have said during the civilization if Islam, but not now , & the verse:

    ٱلۡأَعۡرَابُ أَشَدُّ ڪُفۡرً۬ا وَنِفَاقً۬ا وَأَجۡدَرُ أَلَّا يَعۡلَمُواْ حُدُودَ مَآ أَنزَلَ ٱللَّهُ عَلَىٰ رَسُولِهِۦ‌ۗ وَٱللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ۬ (٩٧)

    does not talk about the current Arabian ,it means the Bedouins.

  15. Being Arab or not has nothing to do with your understanding of Islam.  The Qu'ran says it is "hudallil mutaqeen" i.e. a Guidance for the Righteous.

    The Prophet (sa) made this clear in his farewell address too.

    Abu Jahal and Abu Lahab knew arabic perfectly well but had no righteousness.

    So it has nothing to do with nationality, everything to do with righteousness and taqwa.

    love for all, hatred for none

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