
Do non-Christians have a problem with public Christmas displays?

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And not just displays...if you are a person who does not believe in Christ and the reason for the Christian holiday, do you have a problem with public displays of things like "Merry Christmas" or nativity scenes. I'm not asking whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I'm curious to know how a Jew or Muslim, for example, might react to advertising or displays of celebration in public, especially if they were on public and/or government property.

Serious offense intened nor judgement passed. I'm just curious to know other's thoughts on a holiday that is not one you would celebrate yet it is impossible to avoid after Halloween.




  1. Not as long as it's on private property.  Any religious displays on public property must include displays from ALL religions, not favoring ANY religion.

    The only thing that irritates me about the Christmas season is that Christians never take into consideration that not everyone is Christian.  How would you feel if you were inundated with "Happy Eid al Fitr?"  Ridiculous, no?  "Merry Christmas" is every bit as inane as "Have a nice day!"  Many people don' like to be inundated with that phrase either.


  2. I don't.

  3. It doesn't bother me at all. This is a free country and people can do as they please. All I ask is that they leave it off my doorstep. It's no big deal really, I might even engage in the festivities and such, but outside of that I'd have to say that with an ideal society everyone can celebrate what they wish without discrimination or rather just not have anything religious in a communal based area. Simple as "Happy Holidays" then go home and do your religious thing.

  4. I honestly don't mind,I don't believe in any god but I don't mind the traditional christmas displays they are part of british culture and it's heritage,christmas doesn't mean the same thing to kids now a days anyway,it is over commercialised to say the least.

    I only object to religious organisations or churches shoving it down my throat when I have already told them I am not interested or to tell me I am gonna burn in h**l etc...

  5. I think they are jolly and often cute. Still, it does not belong on the town hall lawn. So long as all are able to participate, including the FSM worshipers, I'm OK with it. Not thrilled, but OK.

  6. No holiday (including Christmas) has any special meaning to me, but I don't have a problem with public displays.

  7. Nah, I don't have a problem with long as other religions' holiday decorations are also allowed, are prominently displayed alongside Christian decorations, and are not defaced/torn down/etc. by rabid hillbillies or something.

  8. answer: only when they're on public or government property and there are no other religions represented.  When someone has a problem with me saying Happy Holidays, that's annoying.  Its as if they think they're the only ones with a holiday in winter.  They need an education.

    # # #

    Hey Lys - your religion isn't the only one with a holiday in the winter.  Get over it and learn some respect for other religions.

  9. Christmas really has nothing to do with Christianity. It was basically a Pagan holiday stolen by the church, and even now, it has become secular.  

  10. No, I have no problem with any references to Jesus at Christmas.

    I hope you would have no problem with anyone else celebrating the winter solstice or the birthday of Mithra.  

  11. I don't have a problem with it. We give my kids presents and I put up a tree because it's a kid thing and they like it. But we don't view it as a christan day. I dress my kids up for halloween and pass out candy too.  

  12. I have no problem with it as long as public money doesn't pay for nativity scenes or something explicitly religious.  I think it's important for people to appreciate the secular place Christmas place has in American culture and economy, and the fact that no other religious-inspired event is close to approaching the scale of Christmas.  If other religious holidays generated the same kind of revenue for our businesses then there would be no need to demand equal space for their displays.

    The vast majority of Christmas displays are about products, not religion.  The market doesn't discriminate.

  13. They do not belong on public or government property, but otherwise I don't really have a problem with it.  Christmas has become more secularized anyway, so it doesn't really bother me.  Besides, the point is family and friends, isn't it?  It is to me, anyway.

    And the presents are fun and receiving.

  14. I really don't care. If someone tip toed into my house in the middle of the night and set up a nativity scene or something in my living room I'd be annoyed, but if a store or dentist's office decides to put something like that up that's their right. I'm not fond of them when I see them in the town square or on a public school courtyard, but you rarely do anymore. Most public displays are fairly secular and they do that to be non-offensive.

    I've got other things to get my panties in a wad about. I'll spend my time getting worked up about actual cases of injustice.  

  15. No I do not have a problem with it as long as other religious displays are not being legislated against.  I also don't have a problem with someone wishing me "Merry Christmas" until that person has a problem with me wishing them a good Mothers' Night.

  16. I still put up a christmas tree because I think they are pretty.  My family members are Christian so we still do all christmas things.... but no public displays of any religious holiday bothers.

  17. If it's on public property it's largely unacceptable.  It's sets a dangerous precident of disrespect for separate of church & state that is the only reason the rest of us have freedom of religion too.

    If it's on their house, church, radio program...they're pleasent looking & it's all their business.

    I worked at company with equal religion rights, then switched to a heavy Christian owned & run one.  I was extremely uncomfortable with the wreathes on every door, the huge tree in the lobby.  I added my tiny (3") menorah & got dirty looks.  I felt uncomfortable because my religion wasn't welcome & they didn't even know it.  They had a Christmas party, not holiday & gave out tree ornaments with a Nativity or something scene.  

    Sorry, but that's not nice...not if you want your employees NOT to be FORCED TO PARTICPATE in YOUR religion.  

    I make exception for much older traditions that would make people feel bad to stop, like the white house christmas tree (they do something for hannuakah too), & a few similar things.


    The displays in my home town last year cracked me up.  They were large 6-pointed snowflakes that looked like jewish stars in christmas lights.

  18. I have a huge problem with non-Christians having a problem with Christmas. I REFUSE to say "Happy Holidays".

  19. nope  

  20. It doesn't bother me, although I believe they should not be on government lands (on courthouses, town halls, etc.) and that they must be open to displays from other religions.

    Shared properties, like parks, with other displays allowed, are okie dokie.

    ...but really, don't the religious displays belong on private property?

    That being said, I *hate* when people diss the phrase "Happy Holidays."

    I am taking THE MONTH of December off. (8th-Jan 5th) I am taking it for the holiDAYS not one holiday.

    What do fundamentalist Christians have against New Year's? I understand them having something against Yule, but New Years?

    I'm soooooo evil. I send my relatives a card that says "happy holidays" because only an idiot sends one card for Christmas and another for New Years.

  21. Nope. I'm an agnostic . I look at Xmas as a nice time of year where people can feel good and maybe treat others a little better. Oh, and pretty lights. Since most Christians don't seem to take any time out from opening their gifts to reflect on the actual meaning of the day, I honestly don't consider Xmas to be quite as spiritual or religious as it should be or once was. If you don't like it then you don't have to celebrate it but don't be bitter because others have something you don't want to take part in.

  22. No way i love Santa Claus!

  23. As long as "public" (govenrment, specifically) funds and property aren't involved, it's completely legal...

    As a Christian, knowing that this nation was originally founded by Chrisians on Christian principals, it does frustrate me sometimes to see those who benefit from our freedoms use those freedoms to be complete pills about the whole thing.

    If I, as a Christian, lived in a Jewish community, I wouldn't be offended by a huge blue and silver menorah displayed in City Hall, even if no Christmas tree were present... The community is honoring their heritage. If I choose to get offended, that's my problem, eh? I'm CHOOSING to be thin-skinned and whiny about stuff.

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