
Do non-feminist men have any concern for the ill effects feminism has on non-feminist women?

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I see feminism as a threat to both men and non-feminist women.

I read post after post of non-feminist men voicing their concern for the ill effects feminism has on them and rarely see any concerns mentioned for the effect it has on non-feminist women.

Have women such as myself been tossed to the wayside and left to fend for ourselves?




  1. Well, what effect does it have on you? If you don't want to take advantage of the products of feminism, why should anyone care? It's your life.

  2. No please speak to us about it, email me.

    If we left you out, we'd be no better that them ; )

    Rio, feminism does more damage than it does good these days. open your eyes.

  3. feminism is not a threat its more of an annoyance to me.  

  4. Wow - it's hard to get an answer to a simple question, isn't it?  One person questioned your gender, others responded with insults.  Feminists can be very hostile to anyone who disagrees.  

    For a friendly point of view, try, an organization of feminists who oppose stereotyping of men as violent etc.  They think of themselves as "individualist feminists."  They're in favor of equal rights, but don't promote the idea of female superiority.  They are also supportive of women who wish to be stay at home mothers etc.  Their idea of feminism is that you, as a woman, should be able to make your own choice.  You might also want to check out these books by women: Christina Hoff Somers' Who Stole Feminism? and Cathy Young's Backlash.  There's also one called Feminism is Not the Story of My Life.  Camille Paglia is a trenchant critic of feminism.  

    So, you see, you have plenty of company in your perspective.  Just not on this site where you can get beat up for asking a politically inappropriate question.

  5. They say they do, yes.

    Why are you tossed to the wayside? Why don't you email one of the numerous divorced men on GWS and hook up with them? They want someone to provide for, you want to do someone's laundry. I'm sure you'd make a fine match.  

  6. Anti-feminists have no concern for anyone but themselves.

    What ill effects does feminism have on you?

  7. Rebecca, are you asking for protection from the big bad feminists?

    Women, whether they are radical feminists or the extreme in anti-feminism are our mothers, sisters, friends, daughters...  I care about ALL of them and support their right to choose a lifestyle and be respected and supported for their choice.

    I feel the same about men.  They may think different than I, but they are our fathers, brothers, sons and friends.

    What I do not care for is hatred, between the sexes or whatever we decide as our standard for hating another person.  

    So, you have no need for protection from me, I am going to stand up for your right even to not be a feminist and not let anyone take that from you.

  8. What ill effects are you talking about?

    Feminist's are not stopping  non-feminist women and men from living they way they want to.

    Feminism has given women the right to work and vote, so what ill effects are you speaking of?

  9. How can equal rights for women have negative effect?

  10. Rebecca,

    Please illuminate my path to understanding what terrible  "ill effects" feminism has burdened you with?  Honestly, I don't know what they could be.

    Feminism is responsible for.... what?  

    Men not opening doors for you anymore?  

    People not treating you like the weak "little lady" and carrying your groceries to the car for you anymore?

    Banks not being able to deny you credit cards based on YOUR income without your husband's permission?

    Hmmm, I don't think those have been big issues for feminism.

    Everyone enjoys the benefits of common courtesy towards everyone, male OR female;

    And what's wrong with being treated like a capable grown-up instead of a child?...

    Please, enlighten me as to these horrors that feminism has dumped on you.

  11. Just wondering what the ill effects are. But I don't consider myself a feminist and I see no problem with it (to a degree). When its pushed upon other people is when it begins to become an issue.

  12. absolutely.. and on our children too. If men say anything on this subject we get totally jumped on by feminists.  

  13. I'm waiting for Rebecca to add more details so I know what these ill effects are.  Hard to answer when one is being so vague.

    Added:    days later, STILL waiting......   methinks Rebecca was just having a "dramatic moment" there.

  14. As a long time male feminist, I see no threat to myself or anyone else. My wife of 49 years and I have had a wonderful egalitarian marriage. She and I both had very satisfying, productive careers before we retired.

    So what's the problem?

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