
Do non-feminist women frustrate you?

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Is satire your only combat against women who oppose modern feminism?




  1. Not at all.  While I tend to agree with most feminist positions, I try to appreciate all positions.  It makes me sad when a woman is submissive and her husband or a man takes advantage of it.  I respect when the man appreciates what he has in a woman who works hard to please him.  That being said, my wife is an equal and one of the things I love most about her is her independence!

  2. Honestly some do.

    I dont understand how someone could just turn there back and ignore what is going with the rest of the world.  many have this if it doesn't affect me why should i care about it attitude.  I dont want to work out side of my home, why should i care about women who do.  I dont live in a country where they practice FGM, or women are still property, so it's my problem how?    

    Just seems very selfish to me, too not care about anything but yourself.  

  3. No. I don't know any in real life, and online the self-identified 'antis' are not generally all that. People who base their life's principles on being against something are not usually very interesting.

    Cheers :-)

  4. Yeah I feel like they drag us all back really, wish there were some lessons or classes they can take .

    I mean how can they even be against something that is for their own sake ,it frustrates me and I dont understand them one bit.

  5. not as much as feminist women(could you please define "modern feminism)?

    The thing that bothers me about so called equal rights for women is that 99% of these women want the long end of the stick. If a man stays home and plays the Mr. Mom thing he's a deadbeat. Again, historically and traditionally men have been the breadwinners and most I think still would be.Good,bad,or indifferent.  But how much of the female population will go out and work and let the man stay home and raise the family? Be honest with yourself on that answer, not me. With equal rights comes equal responsibility and equal accountabilty, and I just don't see it. Sorry, I'm not trying to step on anyones toes. I'll gladly stay home and take care of baby...again.

  6. Not if they don't try.

  7. No, actually feminist women bug mee cuz theyre so paranoid about their equal rights and stuff.

  8. Although there are always bigots out there yapping at our heels and trying in a million mealy-mouthed ways to undermine the legal protections for our unalienable rights. those rights are rather secure as things stand right now.  It is important as a voter to be informed of those forces and their efforts to harm us, the organizations with money and clout, such as the Heritage Foundation and the Eagle Forum Foundation and Christian Evangelicals.  And, it helps to know that the Big Boys are now whole-heartedly investing in the rights of women internationally and have launched worldwide goals such as the Millenium Goals for ensuring the education of girls as a means to stabilize societies in the global interconnected economy, that the future does look better for women with that big clout on our side.  But, as for the everyday bigot, just ignore her or him.  They cannot harm you unless you let them.  ALWAYS, there are ankle-biters and leg-humpers you have to deal with in life.  But, don't waste your time fretting over  them as though they matter much.  Just focus on rising within yourself, empowering yourself. and keep your dignity about you.

  9. yes

  10. *True Feminism* is about options and choice.

    If a woman chooses to stay home, raise kids, be a good, loving wife, more power to her.  But the key word is "chooses".  

    If she fully realizes the other options she had/has, and no one denied her access to those options, then Great!  That's her choice; I would never disrespect her for that.

    What frustrates me is when those same women throw it into "feminist" women's faces and say "HA!  I'm the real woman, you're not!  You are a ball-bustin' man hater and not doing what women should do..."

    THAT is frustrating. And then there's the "religion-Bible" factor that backs HER up... you know, Eve is for Adam, made from the rib, yadda yadda yadda...

    As a feminist I accept her choices to live as she chooses, but I don't seem to get the same respect for my POV. And I'm tired of anti-feminists speaking out loud and clear without any knowledge of what feminism is really about.  It's not bumper sticker sayings and t-shirt slogans.  It's a real way of life and a positive mindset, for EVERYONE.

    BTW, I'm married a long time, don't have a problem with men, and have  kids and grand kids.

    Added:  Just a reminder, it wasn't until 1920 that women had the right to VOTE in America.   1920!  That's only 88 years ago!   Why is it hard to admit that women were not treated like smart, thinking well informed people - until very recently in our history?  And things have not all been put right yet, either.

  11. I'm not an extreme feminist in which I mean "dislikes men", but Yes. Feminism isn't about hating men, it's about believing in equal rights. For God's sake, if we hated men, we'd hate ourselves! My mother is a homemaker and has had a child -ME- and is also a feminist.

  12. I don't know why everybody is horrible to you. I think you look kind of hot - but it's hard to say because that photo is too small.

  13. As an anti-feminist woman does it really matter to me whether or not I frustrate feminists?  No, nor should it.  Do they frustrate me?  No, nor should they.  I just get a trifle annoyed, which I assure you won't send me over the top.

    They believe in their cause and I believe in mine.

  14. non feminist dont frustrate me,feminist frustrate me with their lies.

  15. As I've nothing to do with the feminista/lesbiana cult, all my experience is confined to normal women.  They rarely frustrate me, as  self-control comes naturally to disciplinarians.

  16. Satire, combined with logic, is actually very potent.

  17. No, feminist women frustrate me.

  18. I just wonder how they could be against something that is so important.  Feminism is just about making sure that women aren't being treated like trash, that we're getting paid equal pay for equal work, and that we can walk the streets without being attacked and murdered.  It's got nothing to do with "keeping men down" or "hating men", since feminists don't give a flying waffle about hating men.  If more women realized this, we'd have more self-proclaimed feminists walking around proudly.

  19. I'm married to a feminist and am quite happy. I find non-feminist women to be a little too weak spirited for my taste. Just a matter of preference. I happen to like strong women.  

  20. nope, they don't frustrate me.  

  21. No, because I'm a  non-feminist women, but that doesn't mean im against feminism.

    I don't care how other women live, and im sure feminists don't care either.

  22. No, of course not.  It is their choice to be a part of the feminist movement or to have feminist views if they want.  The whole point of having rights is being about to make your own choice, as long as it does not deny someone else their freedom of choice.  

    I tend to support all woman, regardless of what kind of lifestyle choices they make.

  23. What is good for the goose is good for the gander; right? No non-feminist women do not frustrate me... You want to know what frustrates me is trolls that insult what I believe in with out any shred of proof other then what other non-feminist claim to know.  I hate brainwashed people who use google as a lame attempt to make some invalid point have substance.... That is frustrating.

    Remember people answer a question with the same respect it was asked iin.

  24. Why can't people just be the way they want to be without someone getting their panties in a bunch about it?

    Christians, vegans, atheists, vegetarians, fat people, skinny people, feminists, non-feminists, republicans, democrats...someone will always have an opinion.  

    This world is full of so many more important things to worry about...why does someones personal preference have to be one of them?

  25. non-feminist don't bother me considering I don't really consider my self a feminist, but I'm not anti feminism by any means.  Stupid women do bother me though.

  26. Well, since my definition of feminism is believing that women should have rights equal to men, yes, it does frustrate me. How any woman could believe women shouldn't have equal rights is beyond me.

  27. i just hate injustice.

    im not a feminist...

    im not really a non feminist either...though i may say i am.

    but i still agree with some feminist fairness

    but i also agree with some anti feminist things such as being anti abortion.

    i really cannot say i abide by either label really.

    im sure i annoy a good deal of ppl on here....or they dont like me or whatever...feminist and non very aware that not many ppl like me on here. And i could give a rats *** less about it.

    but i doubt i really frustrate them

    I just try to be fair.

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