
Do not want to go to a "special camp" this summer!!!!!!!?

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My parents say thtat I have asburgers so they are makeing me go to a camp in bridgewater ma. Called Handi kids. I realy do not want to go and i have said that. I do not think it will have any benifit to me because i am normal.




  1. Camp is a great deal of fun,  I would try it out and see what you think.

  2. I have a 7 yr old son who is also attending special camp for the same condition.  He has gone before and likes it.  I would not send him if he didn't want to go.  Many kids that are older are more impaired there.  It will be fun, and there may be a few kids that are more like you, but you are right most of them will have issues that are noticeable.  Maybe you could look for a typical camp for next year and try to convince your parents of that instead, they are just trying to help.

  3. It could be fun to meet new people from all over though!  I never got to do anything fun like that when I was younger, it could be a lot of fun- whatever YOU make it :-)

  4. I have to admit, I did not believe there's a camp called 'Handi Kids' but I found it easy thanks to Google.  I gotta say, the camp looks pretty cool, but it looks as if all types of kids are there from the pictures, and yes, some of them will appear more disabled than you.  Remember, just because someone is in a wheel chair doesn't mean they're not every bit as smart and capable as you are.  I know there will be kids with Downs and the like, but they can be fun to get to know.  If you do indeed have asperger's syndrome, there will other aspies there you can meet, who will be as normal as you.  So you may actually have fun and learn more about yourself (and how to be tolerant of other's differences).  And you get to ride horses.  I'd go to any camp if I could ride horses (ok, maybe not one with lepers, but you get my point!!)

    And yes, they should totally nix the name of that place!

  5. Go to the camp.  Camps have many different activities for everyone.  Take the experience as a challenge to exceed everyone's expectations, and not go to prove them wrong.  

    They are sending you because they want you to have every chance to succeed in your life.  I did not get those chances when I was a kid, and I had to struggle with my disabilities all through my teens and college.  I know that may seem like light years away from now, but it isn't.

    Go with an open mind and not a closed one and attitude.  Who knows you may even get the chance to help the counselors with some of the kids there that need a hand.

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