
Do nuclear weapons have an effect on global warming?

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does nuclear weapons have any effect on glabal warming ?

(i dont care if global warming has always been natural phase in the world i just gotta finished my Assignment due in a few hours)




  1. NO--- there have not been any "airburst" nuclear weapons tests in DECADES!

  2. if you detonate many at the same time it causes nuclear winter. many hundreds have been created during the cold war.

  3. making them?

    having and/or maintaining them?

    exploding them?

    i might suggest that exploding them, in a big way, would produce lots of undesirable effects.  like possibly destroying our technological society, so that for the remainder of our existence, we'll be living in stone age conditions.

    making them?  a little.  uses quite a bit of energy, but compared to the rest of the energy used around the world, it's less than a drop in a bucket.

    having them?  no.

    how many?  20k.  or so.

  4. Have you ever heard of "nuclear winter"? Look it up.

  5. Yes, it stops it.  We should throw nuclear bombs at everything so we get nuclear winters all over!

    Sarcasm people!  :D

    But yes, as the first answer pointed out.  "Nuclear winter."

  6. Like others have mentioned, nuclear weapons, if used on a large scale, can send masses of particulates into the air which increases global albedo. That means cooling.

    On how many nuclear warheads currently in the world, a quick search turned up this:

    "From a high of 65,000 active weapons in 1985, there were about 20,000 active nuclear weapons in the world in 2002. Many of the "decommissioned" weapons were simply stored or partially dismantled, not destroyed.[12] As of 2007, the total number was expected to continue to decline by 30%-50% over the next decade."

  7. "Nuclear winter" means cooling.  But nuclear testing is likely to have caused depletion and breaches in the ozone layer.  Although the ozone layer does repair itself, no one should be allowed to play with our atmosphere and our lives.  I wonder how many cancer deaths could have been avoided without nuclear testing and radioactive waste and radiation.  I'm learning that if our government wants something, they usually get it despite our saying that we don't want it.  We didn't want or ask for nuclear energy--we got it anyway.  We don't want or ask for ethanol and the return of nuclear energy--but we're going to get it anyway...if we let them.

    They know this based on past nuclear testing:

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