
Do officers in the marine corps live on a base or do they own their own houses?

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Do officers in the marine corps live on a base or do they own their own houses?




  1. Some do some do not. Why?

  2. Their choices depend on a number of factors, which basically comes down to whether or not "suitable" housing is available on base given their rank and family size.  

    They might buy. They might rent. They might live on base.  If they don't live on base, they might qualify for an additional allowance if the base can't offer them anything due to lack of available units.  

  3. its up to them

  4. The answers you got are all pretty good - except one factor comes into play - is the officer married? Does he or she have a family?  As you know from the other answers, housing is in pretty high demand - for those who have families, but for the unmarried officer the option is the BOQ or the Bachelor Officer's Quarters - pretty nice if you want to forgo the housing allowance - which varies from duty station to duty station - and live in what amounts to a hotel room with a kitchenet.   The smarter choice for the unmarried officer is to take the housing allowance and rent in town - or buy if you want to.  Circumstances and opportunity sometimes make buying a no-brainer.  Hope this helps.

  5. That is a choice the officer will make once he is in his permanent unit.

  6. Military personnel, officers included, have a 4 year rotation of duty assignment which means 4 years in one place, then the military moves you somewhere else.  This makes actually buying a home a little risky, most people I know in the military simply use military housing or rent. Especially if they are single.  On base housing is totally free and some places even furnish the utilities too....can't beat that.

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