
Do old cities with gates have walls?

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i basically want to know if a really old city with city gates would have a wall all the way around it and would this mean there was only one entrance and exit from the city?




  1. Yes, there would be a wall.  No, there were usally more than one gate.  My husband and I just went to Italy a few months ago.  Rome was surrounded by a brick wall with several gates around the city.  Check out the link.

  2. Yes, check out your bible. All biblical cities had walls around them, and in Revelation the city of Heaven  has 12 gates, 3 on each side and each gate is named after a tribe of Israel. (Rev. 21:12)

  3. Yes, though some cities had more that one gate. Chichester is an old Roman walled city but has 4 gates, at the compass points.

    Those that weren't fortified, probably didn't last long!

  4. Most walled cities had 3 or 4 gates but the walls were regularly expanded and repaired adding or blocking up gates as the city grew and as attacks became more or less likely.

    I live in Coventry which had about 6 gates at one time but the walls were demolished by Charles II because we picked the wrong side in the Civil War.

  5. Well, if it had gates, they are connected to something, like walls. This was usually how it was done.

  6. The city of Nordlingen, Germany is an excellent example of a medievel, walled city. Look it up on Google Earth and you can see the old part of the city right in the middle. It looks like there are 5 main roads with gates, and it looks like it's in excellent condition.

    Trivia 1: Nordlingen was used for the "Wonkavator" scenes at the end of the original "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory".

    Trivia 2: Nordlingen is built in an ancient meteor crater, and the cathedral in the center of town is built from stone that has the telltale crystalline structure of impact rock.

  7.   There aren't many of these left around in the state you're imagining, but up to about the Medieval period there'd be a huge main gate to make trade easier, & a bunch of smaller ones for convenience & to avoid exactly that trapped feeling you get in a siege situation.

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