
Do online ouji boards work?

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  1. Who or what are you trying to contact? You cannot speak to the dead. If you do, it is not God that has conjured them up, it is Satan. Leave this thing alone or you will get into big trouble. Spiritual warfare and depression is only the beginning.

  2. They do work, but it's not always who you want to talk to.  These are bad things, that open gateways for other bad things to come through and make your life horrible.

  3. im srry but that is pretty stupid the answer is no they do not work andeven  ifr they did that is real dumb cause i know people  who have had very bad times with it so i recomend u not to even get involved ... instead spend your time bike riding, sports, and fun stuff with ur friends

    glad i can help!

  4. Don't spam. You asked this 10 minutes ago. But to answer your question:

    No. Those boards (supposedly) work by contacting spirits and making the ghosts move the thing. Obviously, a ghost can't move something that doesn't exist and is virtual.

  5. NO, don't mess with them.

  6. do regular ouija boards work?

  7. I know you probably dont want to hear this but please please please dont mess with those things! They are so bad you have no idea and I think real life ones work not online ones though.

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