
Do online schools give grants like regular schools do?

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I want to get a degree in something, and I've been thinking about becoming a preschool teacher. I have two toddlers, however, and just don't have the time and energy to actually go to a school. I'd love to do the university of phoenix or one of the other totally online schools, but do they give out the grants that regular colleges do? I'm probably around poverty level, and I know at a regular college I could get a good grant being a single mother. But does anyone know if online colleges offer that too?




  1. May be this site can help you

  2. I am an Admissions Advisor at a regionally accredited school Kaplan University. I am here to help any body looking to go to school.

    Yes we do offer government grants and student loans. As a matter of fact you can find out how much you are approved for to pay for school in a matter of 5 minutes after filling out your financial aid application. Email me if you want more information. or

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