
Do only geldings pull carriages?

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Or is it just uncommon for a stallion to do so?




  1. ONLY the geldings pull in the Budwiser hitches.  Any breeding animal (mare or stallion) is not as desirable in a multiple horse hitch.  It  doesn't make as much difference in a single hitch.

  2. In a single horse hitch it would be possible if the stallion was well broke. I do not recommend it for multiple hitches for the obvious reason that it would not be in your best interest for your wheel horse to be a stallion and all the rest   !

    All kidding aside, yes it is possible. I have known some stallions that were so mannerly and well behaved, that you never would have know they were stallions at all. This is not typical however.

    For the most part, carriage horses are geldings and mares.

  3. It's uncommon to see stallions in work but never ever impossible!

  4. I wouldn't use a stallion to pull a carriage..

  5. Mares and geldings can pull a cart equally the same. A gelding is the safest though. Usually stallions have issues being trained and there would be problems if a Mare walked by.

  6. It may be more uncommon to see a stallion pull a carriage because they can be harder to train.

    Not just geldings pull them though.

  7. The good news is that mares, geldings, and stallions and almost all breeds can be trained to pull a cart or buggy.  I owned a stallion that was broke to harness and he was absolutely wonderful to drive.  Very responsive and well mannered.

  8. nope ^_^  the guy i worked for had a couple of Belgians pulling carriages who weren't geldings.

  9. may be less common but very possible

  10. I have seen mares pull carts too. remember the True story or Black Beauty. I would guess that geldings would be more common because of the stallions high and ver y charachterisitic temperment. Hope I helped :)

  11. mostly mares or geldings pull carriages but i have seen some stallions pulling carriages, although it makes for some interesting comments when in public.

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