
Do only players have "friends with benefits" relationships?

by Guest62514  |  earlier

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Or can people that WILL commit to the right person do that kind of stuff too?

I know this guy/ friend who I am interested in that has that type of s*x / relationship ( we are neighbors, so privacy is hindered) .

Does that mean he is a player and would not commit to a serious relationship?




  1. Players can change for the right person. There's always a match.

  2. Players don't have friends with benefits.

    Players don't have friends.  They fool girls or boys into thinking that they are the only one.

    That is why they are called "players".

    Friends with benefits are actually friends that realize that having casual s*x does not constitute a relationship and they have found a comfort zone in the s*x.

    Some people have to get s*x however they can.

    Just because they are able to get it casually doesn't mean that they aren't capable of settling down or becoming serious.

    It may just mean that they haven't found the right one yet.

    Some people are better at being s*x partners than they are at being bf's or gf's.

    You will have to take a chance and find out.

  3. well a player is wen guys only want a one night stand also having more than one GF and if u know wat i mean a player is wen someone has s*x with u and make u cry and leave u  

  4. Not necessarily. There's tons of mature adults who get into a FWB type scenario just b/c they want the pleasure of s*x. It doesn't mean that they don't want a real relationship somewhere later on down the line. It's possible that he is a player that is stringing girls along for s*x, though, so I'd do some thorough checking first. (This means holding out on the s*x at first. If he ditches you, then you know what he's after.)

    If you want a real relationship with him, I'd recommend against becoming one of his FWB. Those things have a bigger chance of backfiring than becoming a good relationship. Sometimes it becomes something more, but not often.  

  5. some married couples have a friends with benefits relationship also.

    not real love, not real friendship, not a real marriage.

  6. I'll commit if I'm REALLY into her like I would marry her in to her..other then that its wam bam thank ya mam...coming from a true pimp right here...ive slept with married girls older girls engaged girls chicks with 21 and have a list of 32 chicks

  7. Any type of person can have a FWB relationship. It's just a phase people go through yet there are those few that rather stay that way for the rest of their lives.

  8. No like that. it depends on your tackling

    he may leave if you give everything he wants at the first visit itself.

    Men basically look that hw this lady is? if she is giving everything at his first visit itself, he may think that the girl is not that good

    but after sometime you should be aware that he may leave you if you dont take this relation so seriously.

    if you are just interested in s*x only, then no problem

    but be safe

    otherwise we dont know whether that boy have some illegal activities or not. if he has like that and not using safety measures while with you, oh baby...

    there is a chance of HIV+

    so be careful

  9. If it's ok with you, then it's ok for him I say ! I've had a couple of guys on a FWB situation (their call, not mine) but funny enough, after a while (say, a year or so) I kinda became the "gf" so yeah, funny things happen. All depends on you and whether you're prepared for him to be with you as well as others as the same time. Eventually, he will see you're the girl whose willing to hang in there with him while he "finds himself" I guess. But hey, that doesn't stop you from seeing other guys in the meantime, after all, what he doesn't know won't hurt right? Two can play the game (you with me?) just be quiet about it. And good luck :-)  

  10. It's very well possible that he's capable of a monogamous relationship (which may be the word you're looking for rather than serious) and very easy that he could be capable of a serious one. And presumably anyone who's not a d**k would make it monogamous if their SO wants it to be. Remember that simply not considering s*x sacred doesn't quite constitute a s**t or a commitmentphobe.

  11. anyone can do if a girl whats to have someone to hold or kiss or so forthe but she doesnt want to get hurt then she can do it....the only difficulty thing is that when guys attempt to do it they seems like players and pimps and when girls attempt to do it everyone see's them as s***s and whores... but it truly doesnt matter what other people think as long as your happy with yourself then thats all that matters.... rule #1...


  12. Most people have those kind of relationships cause they realize that they won't be committing to no one until it's the right person. So yeah it's possable that when he finds the right person that he will commit. But make sure that you don't get put in that situation if you are going to try to be his. Be clear on what you want!

  13. *sigh*

    my best guy friend and i tried that, but it just didn't work, and now its totally different between us. i don't suggest it.

    answer mine?

  14. Noo not only players do that, just people who want to have fun with someone they like/feel comfortable with. Adults only tho who know they both want the same thing. Some people do it after coming out of a long relationship etc. But those people can still commit to a person when the right on comes along and their ready for serious and not casual. However if you're looking to start a thing with this guy in the hope of getting him into a relationship and for him to commit, you may not get the result you want.

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