
Do other countries (besides the U.S.A) have programs like WIC, in which women can receive free formula?

by Guest61579  |  earlier

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Then do most of the women breastfeed? Everyone that I know who formula feeds gets it for free and I was just wondering, if it wasnt so readily available, would more women choose to breastfeed?




  1. if it weren't so readily available, more women might breastfeed, but, also, more babies with allergies and digestive problems would live in pain. what is with you and all these "questions"? you called me defensive after my resposne to your last "question" about formual feeders' attachment to their babies -- it was not defensiveness. it was actual disgust at how many people on here start these "questions" with "oh, i am not trying to start a debate, but..." yes, you are. you know it will become one. all of this c**p is designed to continue to slam formula feeders or point out their "mistakes" or "bad decisions." so pathetic.

    edit: oh, and by the way, we paid $45 a can for ruby's special order formula.edit #2: and, for the record, because i am equally disgusted by the inability of people on this site to think outside of black and white categories, i think breast is best, too...or whatever little phrase you want to use. i did bf, and i had to stop. i do believe everyone should at least try it. however, i do not believe in anyone else's right or NEED to go looking for reasons to slam formula feeders. every parent on here will make a decision someday that one, some, or many of us will think is wrong. believe me, i read things all the time that make me choke i am so put off by them. do i choose to make a big issue of it? no. we would be a much better community of parents and children if we stopped trying to prove how much better we are than the other and spent more time supporting and helping each other. all this negative energy trying to prove someone else is wrong: that's the energy you are creating around your kids. and that, if you ask ME, is bad parenting.

  2. WIC is available in other countries.  I'm sure they have similar programs also.

    If it wasn't so readily available, I think u would HAVE to nurse your baby or it would starve right?

  3. I live in canada (Ontario) and we don't have a program like that!!! we have to buy everything ourselves unless you are on government assistance, but then you have to live off of the government completely and from what I understand they don't give you much money at all!! But we do get baby bonus every month and two other cheques a month that I'm not 100% sure what they are for! in total every month for having my son i get about $400 which if you think about it is actually alot of money, it covers diapers and formula every month and and we save the extra for his school fund! not sure if I helped you or not but that's how it works here, and I don't think that it would affect weather people breastfed here or not, some people just can't do it!

  4. Not sure about other countries, but I formula fed my DD and paid for all of it on our own.  She was on Alimentum ready to feed, $9.00 per quart.  She drank almost a quart a day, so we shelled out ALOT of money on formula.

    With my friends it was about 1/2 and 1/2 who breastfeed or formula fed.  All my friends/family that formula fed, paid for their own formula.

    When/if we have another baby, I am going to breastfeed, I was not educated enough about breastfeeding before I had my DD.  I don't have any regrets for not BF'ing her, I learned from it and will do better with the next one!

  5. I really do think more women would breastfeed if it wasn't free.  I know many women who started breastfeeding and stopped because formula was easier and free or who decided just not to do it.  But I do think these programs are still good though because there are many woman who truely cant breastfeed for one reason or another and dont have the money to buy formula.

  6. it has more to do with education about breastfeeding in my opinion.  i asked a question about this as well.  i stopped nursing at 5 weeks and switched to formula (thinking it would be EASIER and i was VERY uneducated about breastfeeding and even pumping).  i pay for formula (i don't understand how SO many people get it free!).

    may people don't KNOW anything about breastfeeding, and people think it will come "naturally" and when it doesn't or they have a hard time they think they something is wrong and they quit.  no one tells you this is NORMAL and most women go through it (the lactation consultant i saw even made me feel like i was crazy for worrying).  

    people also don't encourage others to nurse, they actually encourage you more to quit nursing if "that will make you happier".    of course a mom should be happy but maybe you would have been happy if you stuck with nursing as well.

    so i think lack of education, lack of support and when most people around you bottle feed you may feel weird or uncomfortable nursing (esp in front of anyone else).  

    however for my next baby i plan to nurse/pump until they can drink regular milk, i know a lot more now and am actually excited about it.

  7. Here in Ireland, no.

    And I would like to say that I see a lot more women breastfeeding here, but I can't.

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