
Do other countries have "American" restaurants?

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You know how we have Chinese,Mexican,Japanese, etc. restaurants here in he U.S. but do other countries have "American" restaurants? I don't mean fast food places, just restaurants that serve americanized dishes( hamburgers,hot dogs, etc) I have been wondering this for awhile.




  1. Several do.

  2. they probably consider places like fridays to be american fare..  i know i do..

  3. I grew up in america but for the last few years i have been living all around europe, and of course there are mcdonalds and fast food restaurants everywhere, but i have never seen a specific restaurant which serves american specialties. I think this is mainly because people would rather go to the burger king and subway to get cheaper and tastier food. On rare occassions i have seen restaurants which are called something like "New York Pizza" but they arent nearly as good as in america.

  4. Most likely. They have Chinese restaurants here. And other types of foreign food.

  5. I don't know that I've ever encountered a mom and pop restaurant overseas that served american dishes, but I'm sure they exist. My older brother spent a year in China some years ago, and said that on one occasion, he ordered fried chicken, thinking that was something that his girlfriend could eat ok. Unfortunately, in this case, the Chinese version of fried chicken was an entire chicken (including feet and head) fried, on a platter. Yes, the feathers were gone and the insides were cleaned out, but the entire chicken was brought out. Maybe American dishes don't translate too well overseas. LOL

  6. well i'm in england and we have a frankies and bennys which is an italian/new york restaurant.

    its lush there! (:


  7. i whould say yes because we have what they have and they have what we have. manly i whould say yes because most of "our" foods come from different countries so yes.

  8. I was in Italy for  2wks. For the time I was there, there wasn't any prominent "American" restaurants to be found. There was little buses that went around and had hot dogs and hamburgers but that was about it. Other than that, nothing. In fact, when I asked for a grilled cheese sandwich, they just gave me grilled mozzarella cheese on a plate.

  9. Yeah, bar-b-que is an American invention, and there are quite a few bbq places in Europe.

  10. In England we have all the big brand fast food chains but my favourite is in Liverpool its a 50's style American diner like a Grease themed place. Its called Eddie Rockets and its so cool!


  11. When I lived in Southern Africa in the late 80's and early 90's, and when I visited England in 1991, there were American chain restaurants, like McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, and Pizza Hut.  As far as restaurants that served "American" food, not really other than the chains.  I think that may be because so much of what we think of as "American food" has roots in so many other food cultures.


  13. yes....offcourse

  14. clearly youve never heard of mcdonalds, kfc, subway!!!

  15. "American foods"  are all over the world cos the people are all over the world  and they need to be fed ?

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