
Do other countries need Americans to show you how to get your guns back from your dictators?

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Do other countries need Americans to show you how to get your guns back from your dictators?




  1. Hmm, you mean like Fidel Castro showed the USA how to get guns back off their dictator Batista?

  2. That was actually a big issue in Australia 20 years ago, but we're smart enough to realise that only Farmer, Catle Station Masters, Police, Defence and Security Personel NEED firmerams. Hence no High School massacres in Australia, you guys are Red Knecked idiots!

    PS. If anyone tried to invade here our Military would blast them, than we would have 1,000,000 men attempt to Enlist!

  3. Stupid question.

    WE don't need guns.

    Nobody's pissed off at US.

  4. No no no, that is not how americans operate. We give you all the goodies to take out dictators. Fuel the fire!

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