
Do other countries study the US like we do them?

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Like we study other languages, and we study engand and italy and spain and all of their countries... But do the other countries in their text books have things to study the US? I mean I want to know if we study them do they study us??? It is probably weird to learn.. Like what about the US do they study if they even learn about the U.S.A?

Sorry if this doesn't make sense, I am on a sleeping pill and am extremely drowsy Just thought I'd ask so I can check this answer in the morning. Thanks again. Let me restate my question in simple terms.

Do other countries study the U.S.A? If the U.S.A studies other countries do they study us? And if they do what do they learn about the U.S.A??




  1. I'm from the philippines. And yes. we do study your country especially the culture, literature and government. For instance, when i was in high school, we had literature subject which features the US. In college, we have politics and governance. :) Does that answer your question? :)

  2. I'm an Indian and yes we do study U.S.A. It may sound funny but we study geography of the entire world.........

  3. desr frd,its really a nice 4m bangladesh n looking forward to studying in university of sydney.we also need to study about USA but the point is that it all happens in higher studies.even we study US policies to other countries..u knw abt survival of the fittest n he is the fittest who knows about others n act accordingly..m i rite? best of luck...

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