
Do other guys like watching soaps?

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My husband says soaps are silly but he will watch them with me on the weekend Soap channel. He loves All my Children. I will never tell his friends because we have fun watching together.




  1. My dad watches them with me and my mom.  So does my brother, I think its okay to watch them if your a guy.  My brother only watches it for the "hot girls". =P

  2. nah thats kinda g*y but its fine enjoy it

  3. ahh! lol i just asked a very similar question...maybe i should delete...i like when i see males answering the soap questions :)

  4. I like watching Soaps =). I'm 16, and I grew up watching CBS Soaps at my baby-sitters. Today, I have lost interest in the ones I was least interested in back then: Y&R and B&B. "As the World Turns" was and is my favorite soap; even with school, I will catch up on it. "Guiding Light" is also a favorite of mine, but I watch it less faithfully than ATWT.

    My interest in Soaps grew this summer, and I haven't missed a day of ATWT since early July. I found out that it's still an amazing soap, and I'm sticking with it.

    Actually, a lot of men watch soap operas. Here are the results from last week:

    Men 18+ Viewers

    1. Y&R 1,281,000 (+39,000/-65,000)

    2. B&B 826,000 (+31,000/-105,000)

    3. DAYS 822,000 (+21,000/+301,000)

    4. ATWT 535,000 (+13,000/-103,000)

    5. GH 501,000 (-26,000/-125,000)

    6. AMC 453,000 (+14,000/-143,000)

    7. GL 442,000 (-20,000/-37,000)

    8. OLTL 433,000 (-20,000/-180,000)

    So, he's one in around 5 million :)

  5. About 20 years ago when I was in college, I got hooked on Santa Barbara. My girlfriend at the time watched it, so I ended up watching as well. Looking back, it's kind of silly.

  6. My Daddy always watched Y&R and B&B with my Mom...they're the ones that got me watching them!  I also watch ATWT, but Mom doesn't.... LOL

    My hubby will watch ONLY if he happens to be in the room and if he's home. . . .which is usually on Fridays nowadays. . .but then he runs to turn the TV on in the bedroom!  *grin*  He'll even occasionally ask "What's Victor up to nowadays?" and things like that.  Cracks me up!

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