Sometimes I just feel like no one understands how hard I work to do the things I do. I have ADHD, Dyslexia ans several other 'specific learning disabilities'. I spend HOURS a night on homework when others spend only one, just to pull an 80%. Then uneducated people tell me that I am faking it (like my father), that I am retarded, that I'll never be anyone, that I'll never accomplish anything. I just get so discouraged. I'm in high school, and I am in all the 'good' classes (the ones you need to go to university) and I have an IEP, but some teaches just don't get it. Some of my peers just don't get it. I take learning strategies (which is the only class I take that 'normal' kids don't take), there are 5 other boys and three other girls, and the others call us 'the tards'. Anyone else feel like they are the only one in the whole world that struggles like this?