
Do other wives like to tease their husbands by calling them by girls names ? My wife thinks its so funny to ?

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call me Jenny anytime I do something somewhat unmanly or whine a little. She also thinks its funny to ask if I want to borrow a pair of her lacey panties to wear.




  1. Oh, hon, I'm sorry this is happening to you. This is clear emotional abuse. Have you told her to stop? If you have and she keeps doing it, you need to insist on marriage counseling so you can get to the bottom of her behavior. This just isn't right to question your manhood for any reason.

    I mean, don't overreact, but there is no reason on earth you should ever put up with this.

    Hang in there. :-)

  2. Maybe she is mistaking you for one of her girl friends!  Try on the panties, then throw a pair of your tightie whites.

  3. no

  4. uhm, no.. not really.

  5. Its never happened to me.

  6. Betty: apparently she has seen one too many episodes of Scrubs.  

  7. I did it to my brother when we were kids, so funny! I guess she's doing it as a joke, maybe if you didn't react or look so annoyed she stop? OR what I do, is tell your wife to stop and be really firm about it,  

  8. Sit down in the recliner, turn on the game, and tell her to get you a beer.  

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