
Do ouija boards acutally work? can they be done with only one person?

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Do ouija boards acutally work? can they be done with only one person?




  1. yes they can i practice witchcraft and believe it or not a lot of stuff actually does work

  2. ive heard alot of stories about the ouija board but ive never had any personal experiences..yes you can use it alone but from what everyone says its not recommended to do that, you should have at least one other person with you

  3. no

  4. In a way they do work.  There's nothing magical about them.  They are not moved by angels or spirits or the dead, but by the people holding the cursor.

    There is a trick you can do with a weight on a string.  Hold the string in one hand and try to hold it as steady as possible.  Think about the weight swinging either forward and backwards, or side to side.  Without your deliberately moving it, the weight will swing the way you are thinking.  It's not magic, just psychology.

    In the middle ages 'witches' used this to determine the s*x of unborn babies.  The pregnant woman would  lie on her back and the fortune-teller would dangle a pendant over her stomach, and predict the s*x of the baby depending on which way it swung.

    Anyway that's how the Ouija board works.  If you ask a yes/no question, you might 'feel' it wanting to move towards 'yes' or 'no', and follow it.  But it's just YOU.  You could find the same answer by just sitting quietly and having a good hard think!

  5. No they do not work at all. They have no powers, they are not evil. Do you honestly think they would sell somthing evil at Toys R Us. Ouija boards are nothing more than toys.

  6. They do not actually "work". The oija board is a TOY, invented in about 1890 by a guy named Kennard. In 1892 he sold his business to William Fuld, who coined the name "Ouija" from the French and German words for "yes". The movement of the planchette (that's the triangular pointer thingy) is caused by the ideomotor effect, the influence of suggestin on involuntary and unconscious motor behavior. No "paranormal forces" are involved.

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