
Do ouiji boards actually work?

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Me and my mom are thinking about buying one but I want to know if they actually work




  1. In my opinion, it really depends on the person.  I can't speak for everyone that has ever used one, but I'm fairly certain that the planchette is moved unconsciously through the person touching it.  It's easy to answer "dark" questions when you have "spirits" to blame things on.

  2. A ouija board is a game, and the people using them make them work.  Probably the more you believe, the better they work.  If you are susceptible and have fears around what the ouija board is supposed to do, they can also be quite scary.  Here are a couple of links that may help you.

  3. They don't work, but my friends and I used to use one and I would make it spell words like redrum(murder backwards) and freak everyone out

  4. If Ouija boards actually worked, the police wouldn't use CSI type science to solve murders, they'd just pull out a Ouija board and ask the victim's spirit who did it.  You'll notice they don't waste time doing this.

  5. it time I played with my friend and her sister and they said that they didn't move the piece and I didn't move it either so it may have worked. But then me and my friend and her sister did it again a couple weeks later and it didn't work so, I guiess sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't.

  6. They've been proven time and again to be a result of subconcious belief. In my opinion, they do not, but others may tell you otherwise. It all depends on your superstition, I suppose. Rest assured, if you believe in such things, you'll probably be very happy with the results.

  7. i don't think so.

  8. some people think they do and some dont.. i have used one with some friends and it work for me and her.. and its a lil creepy.. but lil wierd things happened after.. peolpe says it like opens up a door in your mind so alot of wierd things might start happenin.. and all the ghost you talk to on the Quiji bored are bad... so i would think twice...

  9. Only if u r extremely stupid, drunk, stoned, or a religious idiot.  But they r fun to play with when u r in the presence of the previously mentioned types and can scare the h**l out of them by saying the devil is going to enslave them in h**l.  Of course you have to be care full not to make it obvious that u r moving the d**n thing.

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