
Do ouiji boards really work ?

by  |  earlier

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i have tried it before by using all the letters and number(0-9) and the words 'yes' and 'no' and arranged them in a circle and had a glass we all put out hands on and asked questions but nothing happened. do they actually work? am i doing anything wrong?




  1. If by "work" you mean "move on their own", then sure, this happens and nobody can deny it.

    It is called Ideomotor Action (a subconscious action) - if it doesn't work for you don't worry, ideomotor action comes more easily to some.


    If by "work" you mean that it allows communication to spirits, then no, it doesn't work.

    Anyone who says it does is just being fooled by their own subconscious. Don't believe me? Have whomever claims it works to do it while blindfolded (and spin the board around once or twice on them)... You'll be amazed at how blindfolding a user affects the spirits' ability to communicate coherently!

    So, even though there are still folks out there who claim it works keep in mind that the reality is that this was a game made by businessmen trying to cash in on the "psychic wave" of the mid to late 1800s.

    Further, the "mysterious, dangerous and dark history" of the board was created by William Fuld in the 1890s as a marketing gimmick to save the struggling company. Apparently it worked; I still hear remnants of his tale told today as "fact".

  2. ouiji boards are just a bunch of hocus pocus!

  3. It's your own telepathic and empathic abilites that open up, and make these things work along with the same abilities of other "spirits". Which is just a word we use to describe many kinds of Life that exist in other dimensions. The danger is that Ouija boards make it appear to be a game, which it is not. As there are lost souls that can cause trouble. And beings that aren't necessarily friendly to humans.

  4. well most people say that it doesnt cuz either someone is moving it or your just imagining all of it to be honest i believe that it does even though i've yet to use one try using an ouija board where several spirits have been sighted not just spirits but...demons you have the best chance there but be extremely careful you're probably gona be in for some h**l i highly recommend that you dont do this  

  5. Ouija boards do work but they are very dangerous. This is because the spirits that communicate with the person is a demon and demons are very evil creatures that want nothing more than to destroy people. These demons are very deceptive and often pretend to be a friendly spirit in order to make you believe that they are friendly and won't hurt you. They do this because they know that if they show their true colours so to speak that you would not play it anymore. Therefore I strongly advice you to throw away the board. If you don't follow what I have said and if the evil spirit tries to hurt you, throw out the ouija board, pray and ask Jesus Christ to protect you from all harm and danger. also ask Jesus Christ to forgive you for using the ouija board and ask him to cleanse you from the occult. Then command that demon to leave you alone in the name of Jesus Christ. If the problem continues go to a pastor and ask him to help you and to pray for you. Take care!!!

  6. Yes, Ouija Boards are very real...They're very dangerous...They can open portals to the Underworld.

  7. i dont believe in any of this mythical stuff, but back when my mom was doing black magic or whatever in her younger days, she tried it and it actually moved by itself !!! wtf !

  8. Yes but your not using them write. First of all, don't think I am crazy. See you could use a ring like the kind you where on your finger accept a little bigger. Then you need two people one on one side of the board and one on an other. The You each put one finger on each side of the ring and put it flat against the board. The you have to make sure that your in an area with ghosts. Then ask them a question, like how did you die. Then your hands should get a very small pulse to move towards a certain letter. I have done it many times however this pulse is VERY small so you have to be aware of your body and very conscious. Then it will work. Trust me. And one more thing. If one of you take your finger of the ring at all the connection will break. They are dangerous if you are talking to an evil spirit you can accidently open a portal to the underworld. If you are talking to a bad ghost break the connection immedeatly.

  9. Tests conducted have shown that the movement of the glass when a ouija board is used is down to the users subconsciously moving it themselves rather than some supernatural power. So no, you're not doing anything wrong - you're just not making it move yourself.

  10. No they don't really work.  It's just a piece of cardboard with glued on pieces and paper.  Just because it has words on it doesn't mean it works.

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