
Do oujia boards really work?

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Do they?




  1. Let's hope not!

  2. In some cases yes they do. Depends where you are and who is doing the seance.

    There are those who have sixth sense in this type of case. I'd be very aware on how one uses them. We all have some sort of sixth sense, particularly those who are very intune, with the ability to Predict ones future and the here and now( or afterlife).

  3. I used one before and if you really believe I think it will work. It was kind of creepy when I did it the first time. but I talked to my grandfather.....

  4. no

  5. no, everyone is excited for something to happen so they unknowingly move it without themselves knowing. Its so compelling because often more then one person is doing this at the same thing. This causes confusion when one is asking themselves, " am i doing this?" so they let go just a little bit but it continues to move because of another person experiencing the same thing. Or someone is doing it on propose because its funny.

  6. Two things to think about here.

    1)It's made by Milton Bradley, meaning it is a massed produced *game* to incite phenomenon

    2)Once in the hand of believers the game can say anything you want it to by moving the eye piece over the letters you wish to create a word/name/sentence.

    To analyze this process you realize that the game is at the hands of the players.  Depending on who is playing can really alter the outcome.  So, bottom line it's all up to the players to complete this game, no batteries required (just inquisitive minds).


  7. nope, these boards are completely useless trash...they dont work at all!!

  8. Maybe I'm the last person, who should be answering this.For I have never touched the board. But I have heard many stories. Besides that When you play it you never really know what kind of spirit Is actually making contact with you. Do you really want to take the chance.

  9. have you seen the movie "The Exorcist"? you don't want to mess w / these things, the boards power is not of something you want in you.

    anything it reveals to you is revealed by demons . stay away. no joke!

  10. Hi

      Yes! Ouija boards work.They are not a toy

    to be played with for fun.They are straight up evil! They are very dangerous to be

    playing around with!!

  11. yeah, i think so.. because i've heard many stories already that people actually die if they don't manage to save or help the souls they accidentally called..

    don't try it if you don't know how to play it...

  12. No.

  13. exsperts say no they say it,s your mussle moveing on there hand they say to make it work have a friend do the letters and you need to be blind folded.

  14. I tried them a few times when I was a teen and only once did the pointer actually seem to move on its own... but after asking my cousin if it was him or the oujia board itself, he admitted he made it move.  So, in all fairness from my own experience, it's a really good gimmick invented to get people that are curious about energies and spirits to spend a few bucks on a useless lettered board with a triangular pointer.  Bottom line, save your money, it doesn't work.

    p.s.- it was quite entertaining to try though, even if it was a let-down.

  15. Yes! I have an Ouija board from the 50's. In the right setting, place, and people using this board they can and do work. Tonight Halloween is a great night to bring it out. Now I think I will. Any ghosts or spirits nearby?

  16. Dont mess with that kind of stuff--

    --you're just asking for trouble.

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