
Do our virtual friends understand us more than our 'real' friends?

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More a pome than a poem - I would say.

Definition of Virtual

"Virtual tends to be used

in reference to things

that mimic

their "real" equivalents"

If that is the case

I wonder if you

realise, that

you are


Is that your appeal?

Can I speak freely to you

When 'real' people won't do?

Flesh and blood neighbours

Cry 'Hi, how ya doin?'

To which I reply

'I'm fine.

Thanks for asking'

(They really don't know

what it is I am masking)

I've a front to maintain.

No-one knows the real me

Whose secret is

a desire to be

A poet, you see.

I've tried telling them before

But, I can see that they're bored.

Their eyes become glazed

And they avoid my gaze

So, I go back inside

Where I hide

And log on to the Net

Where I'll give

A more honest greeting

To the virtual friends

Whose minds I'll be meeting.




  1. "Hi Granny!"

    I am up Earlie this morning at 4 AM as I couldn't sleep. I went to sleep too Earlie. I put the kids to bed, I normally lay with Hopie and Athena and once they are asleep, get back up. But somewhere along the line they put me to bed too! : )

    "I recon it's so true!"

    the beauty of poetry is that you can release your hidden feelings that you may not display to the world. Maybe from fear of rejection, difference in belief or opinions, lack of understanding and compassion within the world, trust issues and so forth.

    and for me, It';s a place you can get a lot of loughs and learn new things.

    with poetry, you don't just release your emotions but your imagination too. so to me you get to know a persons inner self rather than a projectory of what they show, If you know what I mean.

    That was a great question displayed in a poem.


    Cheers : )

  2. very thought provoking- i read it again, and said, that is so true!!!

  3. That left me completely out of breath to read.

    That was awesome.

    I cannot believe how fun that was to read.

    I'm not joking'; that was by far, up until right this very moment, the best read I have ever read here on Yahoo!  Answers.


    Oh! To answer the question: I'm not sure anybody can really understand me; I'm not quite sure I understand myself (yet).

  4. Do another one!  I liked it.  Poetry is fuuuuuuun.  =)

  5. OMG I LOVE IT! It`s so true and you penned those thoughts, and that feeling all so well!

    This is such a nice tribute to all your virtual friends! This is my 1st time, I believe, that I`ve run into one of your post, and I must say it`s a pleasureable run in.

    Thanks for sharing, and yes, we will listen and do the caring, that your real friends don`t do!

    My answers are more than just a simple, "Hi, how you going?"

  6. I think that if you have so much time to spend on the computer that you make a virtual friend, then you should get out more and find the real life friend instead.

    Think in terms of your own development from what you give them. I reckon real people should win, hands down, every time.

  7. I do think that there is so much emotional honesty here on YahooAnswers, and shows of couageous sharing.  It is marvelous to have all of you, with at least one purpose in common, to turn to when the world becomes too superficial. This poem is one very special example of heartfelt sharing. Thank you.

  8. This will sound very Unjellz.

    There is an intimacy in communication in poetry. Writing about feelings and impressions. There is no distraction by body language (eg turned shoulders, furrowed brows, puzzled looks) that can be seen when we post questions and answers. The blank screen does not give us bad feedback . Even the answers we get can be reviewed and re-read to try to figure out the intention behind the comments. There is also an edit and delete facility to assist our communication. Face to face communication is immediate. No edits, deletes (maybe sorries) it's one shot.

    Every human desires to be heard and understood. Poets and all internet contributors are humans. Forums give people a chance to be "someone" and a chance to keep in touch with other humans in the absence of flesh and blood friends. I have a couple of F & B friends with whom I "communicate", otherwise everyone else gets the standard surface information "personal weather report". It is how we communicate. Thanks for the question and the poem Grannyjill :-)

    Sorry if it sounds disjointed. My friend the screen knows what I mean lol  - Jellz

  9. Excellent and so true. I've seen their glazed eyed looks too. The other thing is that sometimes my subject matter is too close to home for "them". In some ways, our virtual friends do understand us better. The only thing that I don't like about it is when someone is going through a hard time...


    Feels strangely underwhelming.

  10. In my case, yes.

    I choose to be in the virtual World,

    I Can be my self here!

    I Trust those that I don't Know, other than by the words they Penn!

    Some times,Most times,My virtual World is where I gain my comfort. It is here that I can switch off, when I feel the need!

    Poetry for me is the same, An Escapism where so much can be said,with so few words!

  11. That's a great question. I think Virtual Friends have a certain advantage in that. On-line exchanges can be less inhibited.

    They communicate much more openly. People get and give  a clearer impression of who they want seen.

    Real friends are harder to fool. They have or have had the advantage of face-to-face communication, personal interaction and  experience with quirky humor, irony, or unusual characteristics and habits. They can also exact far more immediate consequences should things get out of hand.

  12. This is another dimension that is fun exploring and our lives (at least mine) would be less colourful without being here meeting virtual people from time to time. Can we be more ourselves here than with our real life friends? Yes It is easier to answer 'I'm fine' than to labour on to someone about a problem, where as here we can dip in and out when we feel like it.

  13. True words, Granny.  Even my kids call me a geek for writing poetry, though not as much lately.  Unless you feel this overwhelming desire to write, it seems it is not understood.

    I never knew I needed to write till I wrote, and now I have a whole new community.  I am grateful  to all who express themselves in the spirit of generous sharing.  And very grateful for this poem.

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