
Do over 50% of fertilized ova pass out of a woman's body without resulting in pregnancy?

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I am doing research for a paper and I need this question answered in detail. Unfortunately, I have only found one source on the subject that seems highly unscientific. No opinions, please. Just facts.




  1. Unfortunately it is very difficult to find data on this.  If a woman doesn't know her egg has been fertilized, then she won't know that the fertilized egg hasn't implanted.

    I volunteer at a pregnancy and womens health center, and I have seen data (unsourced of course) with percentages from 30-75%.  

    "it has been estimated that 75% of karyotypically normal pre-implantation embryos fail to implant."

    You may want to contact BirthChoice  I have volunteered for them in the past, and they may have good sourced data on this question.

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