
Do over weight people have more body hair?

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I have dis friend who I'm guessin is weighin in at bout 300-350 somewhere around there and the thing is that he isn't like Robin Williams hairy but is still pretty hairy. We're both 19 and I weigh 190, my question is, do people who are over weight produce more body hair? Or is it just a coincidence dat he's hairy and I'm not? I don't wana be like dat but I'm just curious if weight is the issue. Thanx in advance




  1. Your friend would be hairy if he weighed 100 pounds.

  2. 2 Different things

    Its Just becuase You Probably See alto of Heavy peopel with alot of hair :P Coincidence

  3. I don't think so.  Most of my friends are overweight (I'm not really sure why...) and none of them have lots of hair.  On the other hand, I know a guy that weighs 135 and has gotten grass stains in his leg hair.

  4. Nope, being overweight and having lots of hair are two different issues.  

  5. that was just a coincidence.It just depends on their genes. wrather you are hairy or not depends on your parents, grandparents, any family members. i know a lot of overweight people and some are hairy and some aren't. it's the same with everyone else... some are hairy and some aren't.  

  6. I am a large size person, and I don't have any more body hair than my skinny friends.  It's just coincidence

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