
Do owls ever hide in holes in the ground?

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we read a childrens book today and it revolved around a creature hiding in a hole. At the end it was an owl. just wondered if the story was based on any factual info.




  1. Yes, South Florida has quite a population of Burrowing Owls.

    Small, ground-dwelling owl with long legs, white chin

    stripe, round head, and stubby tail. Adults are boldly spotted and barred with brown and white. Juveniles plainer above with less spotting, and buffy below with little or no brown barring. Will often dig their own burrow and, prior to egg laying, will line burrow and entrance with various materials (e.g., grass clumps, palm fronds). After eggs are laid, entrance chamber is further adorned with more decorative and visible objects, such as paper scraps, plastics, tin foil, mirrors, graduation tassels, cigarette butts, and other non-natural materials.

  2. Yes owls burrow in the ground. They are brown and called "Burrowing Owls" they are "endangered animals" because their habitat is being destroyed and are all over. In california they are primarily located in southern part of the state near the Salt and Sea.

  3. The burrowing owl is easily identified by its relatively long legs and its appearance in daytime instead of being nocturnal.

  4. There are owls known as burrowing owls that live in holes in the ground and they're an endangered species.

  5. There are a few species of owl that do, for example the burrowing owl which I think lives in North America. There are no examples in Europe.

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