
Do ozzy people have free health care?

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Do ozzy people have free health care?




  1. Yes - Australia has free healthcare

  2. We have Medicare, a universal health system, paid for by a percentage of our taxes.  This provides free hospital treatment, and subsidised medical treatment.

    GP treatment is not always free.  It depends on whether the doctor 'bulk-bills' in which case it's free, otherwise a good percentage of the doctor's bill is refunded by the government.

    Hospital care can be a little difficult if relying on Medicare.  Emergency treatment is always provided free of charge, but elective surgery, ie non-urgent, sometimes has a long waiting period.  So many people also buy private health insurance to ensure they can get quick surgical treatment and the doctor of choice.

    Pensioners and people on low-incomes get free treatment.

  3. It is not free. Nothing is free. We pay for medical care in our taxes. It is called Medicare Levy

  4. The public system is free, but you may have a long waiting list for non emergency operations etc, also most doctors bulk bill though denist, chiropractors etc you have to pay full price unless you have private health care.

  5. Every industrialized nation in the world, with the exception of the United States, guarantees health care for its citizens.

  6. Most industrialised countries in the world(except the united states) have free health care.Medicare is not perfect but its better than nothing(private health insurance is big business in the states)

  7. There is no free lunch!  Someone has to pay the health care providers, facilities, equipment........  So, what seems "free" isn't really free.  So, the question is, what or how much are you willing to give up so that you can get "free" health care?  Our neighbors, the Canadians have "free" or nearly free health care but many would rather pay the price and come to our facilities instead of waiting for months just to see the doctor.  So, again, what price are you willing to pay for "free" health care?

  8. medicare, similar to the nhs, its paid for as part of the tax taken from your income.

  9. dont know sorry

  10. Nope, you have to pay for it.

    Edit:  Wow 11 thumbs down.  You have to pay for an ambulance over there if you want one.. and they're c**p.  Had a bad experience with them.

    Oh well, glad I left that crappy place anyway!!

  11. It's subsadized for most people. That means that the government pays the bulk of the cost (out of tax funds), but the residents still need to pay a nominal fee.

    For example: A doctor's consultation here costs $65. The government pays up to $40 of that.

  12. I think Aboriginal people have free health care.

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