
Do paedophiles truly have no conscience about what they are doing?

by  |  earlier

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Does this make them inhuman and in that case should they be treated inhumanely.

(been reading the news again and it makes me so sad and so sick hence the heavy question)




  1. How can they? They are the pariah of our society. As there is no cure, then when caught they should die. That is the only cure. I question some courts who appear to be lenient to these despicable creatures. If they did have a conscience, they would not want to live, and there would be thousands of suicides a year. If only that were true, think of all the children whose lives would not be ruined or murdered.  

  2. It depends on the individual. If they have some kind of psychopathic personality disorder than no- they probably won't have much of a conscience. I do bet that some paedophiles feel guilty for what they have done.

    Obviously it is unacceptable if they person is sorry or not!

  3. If I understand correctly they see nothing wrong with their perverted desires. Personally I believe this makes them unsuitable and impossible to rehabilitate and should therefore be sentenced to death. Castration is ineffective since there is more than one way to abuse or exploit a child.

  4. Paedos aren't only inhuman.... they are INSANE !

  5. they truly love children.

  6. They do not have any conscience whatsoever. In their diseased minds they think its OK to do as they do, and some would go so far as to say that the children enjoyed it or even asked for it. They convince themselves that they are showing their victims love, how sick is that, love would not hurt a child. In the UK we lock people up in prison for very long times for committing lesser offenses than this. The government should ensure that these 'things' never ever leave prison alive. A murderer can leave prison and most likely will not murder again but a paedophile will re offend at the first opportunity as they think they have the right to and its everyone else that's wrong. They hide behind their perverse beliefs and convince themselves that it is for the good of the child. Hang them all. They can never be cured.

  7. No, because they don't see what they are doing as wrong. in their twisted view of humankind they are doing the victm a favour, or they see the vitim as 'wanting it'.

    intrinsically its no different to someone who habitually drinks and drives, many fo thsie don't see it as a 'proper' law. arguably its the same as people who routinely break other laws like speeding, parking.. the police should spend time catching "real" criminals.

    in part thats why paedophiles are so dangerous, because they haev that compulsion within them, and they dont see what they do as morally wrong.

  8. You are correct they truly do not have a conscience. And yes it makes me sick to the stomach as well.

  9. I believe it is something twisted in their brain and they are born with these tendencies. How else do you explain a child pedophile who preys  on younger children. Would you put a 6 or 8 year old pedophile to death.

  10. I'm not sure about the mind of a paedophile - I don't think you'll get many people admitting to knowing the answer for this one!.  But I did watch a rather horrible programme about chemical castration on paedophiles a while ago.  I don't know if they men they interviewed had consciences, or understanding of the horror in which society held them, but what did come across with sickening clarity was how incapable they were of controlling their urges.

    In group sessions, for example, they would talk about their urges and members of the group would drop their trousers and m********e openly.  It seems an overwhelming and uncontrollable, powerful obsession.  Some of the men who did submit (and request) the chemical castration found it a release and were relieved to be free of these urges.

  11. They have no conscience. They are so full of demonic demons, they are driven to create these acts of horrible abuse and murder.

    What I see daily in the Crime report, now more young men between the ages of 20 to 30 are being arrested for this disgusting act upon children.

    They are inhumanely.

  12. They do have a conscience about what they do.  It is a conscience that is uplifted and gratified by their actions.   In that they are inhuman, but that is not an excuse for us to act inhumanely.  

    If a dog becomes aggressive and kills or even bites someone badly, it is taken to the vet and put to sleep humanely.  

    I would see nothing wrong at all in finding a humane way to put a paedophile to death.  If he/she also kills their victims.  If they do not, then they should NEVER be released back into society.

  13. Obviously not, otherwise they wouldn't do it or keep doing it.

  14. Of course they know what they are doing.  As far as they are concerned, they are in complete control of the situation.  It is called 'power over their victims'.  Watching the victims suffer and being scared gives them great gratification.

  15. This is one of the most despicable of crimes, as is any child abuse, or the harming of a child.

    Pedophiles do not fair well at all in the prison population.

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