
Do pampers potty training pants work?

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I'm trying to potty train my 21 1/2 month old son, he's showing all the signs... but do the pampers potty training pants really work? ALL answers will be appreciated




  1. No... they did not work with any of my three children... not even the newer versions of the pullups that have the wetness cool alert and the wetness liner.  They do not work at all, and my kids would not potty train until I put them into regular underwear.  After a few days of having pee run down their legs they went potty better... they did not like that feeling.  I believe that twenty one months is way too early.  Most kids are not ready to start training until about two and a half years old.  My children were three, three and a half, and my son was four and a half when he was trained fully.  I started at 2 1/2 with him, but he just did not get it.  He has a diagnosed mood disorder that is disabling so this might have something to do with him being so late though... but I would not try yet.  Your child is too little.

  2. I think that the best idea is to either let him go diaper free, and keep an eye on him. Or, put him in regular underwear.

    I tried the diaper free route with my son, and now he uses the potty when he is at home. But, the second I put a pull up on him, he thinks that it is a portable potty. So now I just use them at night.

  3. i used pull ups and only at night. feeling uncomfotable in wet undies helps them learn but a pull up at night helps them learn without the embarassment or mess. huggies pull ups are a much higher quality then pampers training pants because the pampers are not velcro sides and tear easily so if they do make it to the potty they will need a fresh one bc it is torn

  4. Nope pullups are just diapers that is really all they are...big boy diapers and they will realize that and use the bathroom in them.  With underware they are more likely to learn that they are wet/dirty and less likely to like the feeling.  I have never had luck with pottytraining with pullups but once i switch to underware they do much better.  It can be messy for awhile but well worth it in my opinion.

  5. yes they work

    that's how my nephew potty trained he was 3 though

    now he is 4

    your best way to go is the extra padded underwear for boys

    buy those they are worth it and you will probably only need 5 or 10 pairs

    make sure you work on daytime dryness first it took my nephew from being dry in the day to being dry both day and night in about 4 days we used the goodnites for him and still have some to use on his brother

    and to make it fun for him reward him with pennies in a jar or stickers or cheap toy from dollar general   GOOD LUCK.....

  6. I have my son wear the Huggies PullUps....I'm fixing to do what the first answer said and go to regular underwear because this is just not working. He's three and a half, and still won't go poo in the potty. I've run out of ideas. And I don't like messes. But I'm willing to try anything to get him to start telling me he has to go. My son will pee in the potty, but only if I remind him.  This part is so tough. Pull Ups are not miracle pants that's for sure. LOL

    I do know that my son likes to stand and pee rather than sit and pee. He thinks it's fun to make bubbles in the toilet with his pee. LOL

    Anyway, good luck. I'm going to try and do what the first answer said. I'm going to Target today. LOL I hope this works. He's going on Four Years old come October and this will be his second year of Preschool. I just don't want him to remain in pull ups for another year. frustrating.LOL

  7. I just went straight from diapers to underwear with both of my children and they were potty trained in a week although they still had occasional accidents after that. I just took them to the potty or toilet every hour or so to start with and gave them a sticker when they did something. Children of that age will do anything for a sticker! I do use Huggies pull-ups with my daughter at night but I'll keep my son in diapers if I can since they are cheaper!

  8. Yeah, them and Pullups are very good at getting money out of your wallet.

  9. They did not work for my daughter. I didn't even try them with my son.  The only thing that worked for my daughter was putting her on the potty every fifteen minutes. It was a lot of work but after a day she caught on.

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