
Do parakeets get boring?

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If you take care of a parakeet for a while, do you get bored?




  1. No other things bore me more than my birds LOL!

  2. No way! I love parakeets! We had one and we bought her a jungle gym to play outside her cage.  And sometimes she tried to fly away but it was more like big jumps and we catched her.  Trust me they arent boring.

  3. i don't think so they can be fun and funny just let them out of there cage and watch them mess around.

  4. Oh my gosh, NO!

    Parakeets are such fun, entertaining creatures. They can learn to talk, do tricks, and even perch on your shoulder as you roam around the house. Parakeets are like people - they have their own personalities. Some bite, some don't. Some are loud, some aren't. I promise you will never have a dull moment when you have these perky litte critters around.

  5. Not unless you choose to be bored.

  6. People get bored of pets all the time.  That is why animal shelters are jammed packed full of unwanted animals that need to be put down.  

    They can live a very long time so if you don't think you will be able to keep your interest over the long run, do the bird a favor and don't buy it.  

    Whether or not an animal gets "boring" has more to do with the owner.  If the owner is willing to put time and effort into getting to know their animals personalities then they will never get bored... just as people don't get bored of their children.

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