
Do parakeets reproduce sexually or asexually?

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Do parakeets reproduce sexually or asexually?




  1. Sexually.

  2. i never thought this was possible but u are actually a retarded smart person of course they reproduce sexually absolutely no type of bird can reproduce asexually that i have heard of but nice question none the less they only mate in large flocks so the female can choose the best maleso unless u have a large flock of atleast 15 it will be very rare to see any mating behavior i hope this answers ur question and no harm by the way

  3. Sexually.  They mate and then the fertilized egg is layed and hatches.  If they don't mate, she may or may not produce eggs.  If she does they do not contain babies.

  4. sexualy

  5. Almost all animals reproduce sexually. If your female is laying eggs and she is alone, the eggs are not fertilized. Some say that it will traumatize the bird to remove the eggs, and sometimes it makes her just lay another one immediately, but we always removed them when our female cockatiel laid them.

  6. ....seriously?

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