
Do parents deserve respect and loyality even if they r irresponsible?

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would you still respect your parents if they think their marriage was just a mistake. When the mother thinks that you r as bad as your dad and the father thinks the same. when you become like a property in the house. when your life doesn't matter to them any more.




  1. Yes.

  2. parent always deserve respect.

  3. Even if our parents are worst than Evils then still we shud respect and love them and their responsibility is to fulfill their children needs in every aspect , so will suggest to have patience if they are taunting us , then in reply dont give a rough answer so accept this sour taste of life the goo d u do , it will help u in your future..:-)    

  4. at least they admit the mistake they made . if they just see you as property , they learned that from the culture .  

  5. I think all children should respect their parents because they brought them into the world and raised them.  They obviously did a good enough job with you because you know the are irresponsible.  You don't have to like them, value their judgment, spend time with them, or need their approval.  But respect is just acknowledgment of a persons position, in this case, those who created you.  I may be angry when a police officer gives me a speeding ticket, or hate what the Government is doing to our country.  But I still respect their position.  If I met the President, I wouldn't say "hey, you jerk, your ruining this country and your a liar".....I would say..."hello Mr. President".  That's respect.

  6. No, nobody on Earth deserves respect and loyalty if they cannot give it to you, including your parents.  My mother walked out on my brothers and I when we were young and has since treated us like we were all mistakes because she thinks her marriage to my father was a mistake.  There's no reason for a child to become a pawn to any of their parents.  You were not asked to be born, they chose to have you.  Unfortunately sometimes some people get stuck with bad parents.  I got stuck with a bad mother, fortunately, though, I had a good father.  If you got stuck with a bad set of parents, there's no reason that you should treat them with respect and loyalty if they can't treat you like you or your life matters, you should be their everything!  I hope that you have some kind of figure in your life who you can look up to, though.  I wish you nothing but the best.  

  7. you get away from the poisinous environment as fast as possible. and no, never respect anyone if you have no reason to

  8. No one can take the place of parents..Think of labour pain ur mom went thru or the money spent by ur dad in raising u..they r merely showing their frustrations on u..they dont hate u as such.

    Right now both ur parents r having prob...their mind is not on u. U have to be patience..try to ask if u can do anythin bout ur feelings when the time is rite.  

  9. i would. just think where would you be without them?

  10. As an orphan. I did not have that option.

    I can not love and respect, someone I do not l do not know.

    I am loyal, only to my God. Who has made who I am. <}:-{(

  11. No. I don't talk to my mother anymore, and I rarely speak to my dad. Yes, they brought me into this life. Yes, they've raised me for the past 20 years, but they have always been reluctant to give their kids the best they can ever get. They only did what they were "supposed" to do, and nothing more. And less than two months after I graduated from college, they already started asking me for money, when my job was not even stable yet then. I just don't feel it's right for a parent to feel that your kids "owe" you for all you've done for them all their lives. It is a parent's responsibility to give all your best to your kids, and not treat them like they are a burden.

  12. yes they deserve respect---its cos of problems between them but i dont think they feel this abt u

  13. they brought u into this world- they can bring you out.

    thats what they always tell me.loll

  14. I grew up in the same type of household.  Yes, they deserve your love and respect because they are human beings and they are your family.  But once you leave home, you can choose how your household is run and you don't ever have to make the same mistakes they did.  Just resolve to yourself that you will break the cycle and raise your own children differently. However, for have the live amongst the chaos for the moment so maybe see if a counselor can talk with you and them together.  Sometimes it helps to have an advocate to lay it all out on the line for them and tell them how you are feeling.  If they don't listen to you, they might listen to another adult.  Keep your chin up, hon!  Better days will come!

  15. I didn't get along with all my sisters, and if they were not blood I would never talk with a couple of them.  As you get older you realize stupid fights are meaningless and that there is no avoiding family.  

    You don't have to take any disrespect from them though.  Learn from bad past experiences but don't dwell on them and in time it will get better.  I now talk with all my sisters and just ignore the snide comments and the I know better then you bit.  

    I listen to what they have to say, I just now chose to ignore it or agree as all adults do.  Cant live with them and cant live without them.  Respect your parents, but don't take any disrespect from them.

  16. I would hope that the parents would love their kids enough to listen to their concerns.  I haven't always been the best dad, but I hope my kids will talk to me about their grievances rather than just go sulk in their room about it.  If talking doesn't help, maybe you can stay with another relative until the dust settles.   Good luck.

  17. i think there is a balance between self preservation and loyalty. You do not want to give so much of yourself that you feel you have nothing left or that you allow yourself to be made to feel bad about yourself or live a life that makes you unhappy. On the other hand, for the sake of family relations, it is important to be as polite as you can and not discount your family if there is a way not to.

  18. You still need to respect them and let them know that their behavior is upsetting to you because you love them both.  Tell them that they shouldn't put you in the middle of their drama.  

    If they don't want to be together, then they can do whatever they feel is necessary with regard to how to deal with that but their dislike of each other should have nothing to do with you.

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