
Do parents find it offensive if people don't want/like children?

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Now, I'm childfree for a number of reasons. Do parents have a problem with people are childfree and people who don't like children? Do they find it offensive if people said those two?

Being childfree, I deal with harassment and judgement from the parents, which is why I can't stand most of them for their harassment.




  1. I could give a c**p if someone doesn't like kids. The only children I like are my own, so I know how you feel. If you told me you didn't like kids and weren't going to have any I'd say good on you! It definitely isn't for everyone; if it weren't for my own accident, I probably would still be childless because I share your opinion and would have never ended up with a baby on purpose.

    Having my own has sort of softened my feelings a bit towards other kids, but in general I still hate children and won't judge people who share the sentiment.

  2. No I don't find it offensive, its far better to not have kids than to have them and not bother looking after them properly.

  3. I am childless by choice, so much so, I don't date anyone who already has children or would like a child in the future.

    When asked when I am going to have children, I always answer with 'Why should I?', knowing full well that my answer will usually be deemed offensive. If anyone does take offense at my answer, I follow up with 'Just because I have a womb, doesn't mean I have to use it.'

    As I point out to these 'offended' people, 'Well, I suppose I should say that I don't see any  need for children in my life. Nor do I find them in anyway useful or necessary in order to enjoy life to its fullest. Anyhow, not like you can sell it on Ebay when you grow tired of it or want a bright shiney new one. At least with a cat, you can shove it outside when it gives you the s***s too much. So, do you really think I should have children now that you know my overall attitude to them?'

    9 times out of 10, I get an apology and the subject is never brought up again unless its in fun, such as 'oooh, you would make such a wonderful mother...  hahaha!' Now, I don't mind jokes like that, I always laugh along with them.. lol.

    Of course, you get the self rightious morons who think that one day, I will change my mind and have a dozen kids when I finally meet the man/woman of my dreams. *THIS* is when I snap and tell them that they are being offensive to *ME*.

  4. Before I agreed to have kids I was the victim of a  lot of harrassment. Now that I have kids I love that my girl is here and wish my boy was, but I understand both sides of it.

  5. I am a parent and i do not find it offensive at all, that is your decision to make not mine or any body elses.  That doesnt make you a bad person and wouldnt reflect my decision to be friends with a person..  i dont find it selfish of you either.. the world isnt all about making babies and raising children, there are sooo many other things that can make life great.. their are pros to being children free just as their are pros to having children.   Why in the world would someone take offense to that?  Its not their children you dont like its children in general, as long as you are not mean to them there isnt a problem.

  6. No, I don't find it offensive if people don't want children.

    I do find it offensive if people pass judgement on my kids just because they are kids. How is "I don't like children" any more acceptable than "I don't like women" or "I don't like blacks"? Note, I'm not talking about expecting adults to put up with kids who are demanding attention, or being a disruption, that an adult wouldn't. I'm talking about adults who will be sniffy about a child who is sitting quietly in a corner reading a book and not affecting anyone.

    I don't harass or judge people - so don't you harass or judge my kids just because they are kids. If they are behaving inappropriately for where they are, that's entirely different - and you won't have time to find it a problem, because I'll have dealt with it already.

  7. I can't answer for other parents, but I can say that I personally don't find it offensive. For me it is that I love my babies so much and they are my whole entire world, I can't imagine anyone not wanting that. So that is where I and probally many other parents stand on the subject.

  8. I dont care if you have kids or not. Why would I? Last person to have kids should be the people who dont like them

  9. I don't care one way or the other. Other people's family situations don't affect me. My best friend has no children and we still have lots to talk about.

  10. I personally do not find it offensive. I think its your choice and there could be nothing behind your reasoning for this choice or WORLDS of decisions, its your decision to make. And I don't care what that is. End of story, parents who get offended are those crazies who think EVERYONE needs to procreate.. Whatever, there are some people in this world who should not have kids..

  11. Not at all. Not all people want or should even have kids. Parenting isn't for everyone. Sadly a lot of parents shouldn't be.

    I have 1 son and a second on the way. Both of my dearest friends are child free and really don't want kids. I am fine with this.

    It is stupid to get upset because someone dosn't want children. forcing kids on them can cause a bad life for the kids, over population to get worse so on.  to each their own, it is up to what is best for the person.

  12. I am childfree so far, and it may remain that way(I"m 26). I have a niece and nephew I love dearly and right now, thats enough for me. But even if I were a parent, I still wouldn't be offended because it's better to decide you want kids and not have them, then to have kids and neglect/abuse them.

  13. I'd find it offensive if someone told me that they didn't like kids, but I wouldn't find it offensive if someone told me they didn't want kids. I don't understand it because I love my Daughter SO SO SO SO SO much, but I guess some people just aren't meant to be parents and I'm okay with that. As long as they protect themselves and make sure they don't reproduce.

  14. That is so unfair to you...I am probably repeating this to you as a contact but I think your deciding to not have children is your individual right and a very responsible one.

    Don't let others get you down and be who you are,

    my daughter chose to not have  children either and she does early childhood education and loves it

    all the best

  15. I don't really care one way or the other.  If a person doesn't want kids that is their right to feel that way.  I think that if you don't want kids you should make sure you are well protected so you don't have them but other than that I really don't care.  I have met people that shouldn't have children ever like my stepbrother so it doesn't bother me.  Some people i meet are great with kids but don't want the 24/7 responsibility, they like their freedom and that is fine, my aunt is 50 with no kids but she works with Autistic children at a local school for children with special needs and she is great with my boys, she just doesn't want 24/7 responsibility of a child of her own.

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