
Do parents really read kids bedtime stories?

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do parents really read kids bedtime stories?

what percentage do you think do this?




  1. I read to my son almost everynight when I am too tired I get my husband too. My son loves it it gives him time to get settled down and used to the idea of sleeping..

  2. Not every night but some nights,  but we read lots at other times.  

    When we do read I go and read a book first and my partner will make up a story,  and I find that reading a book is far too stimulating for my daughter she always wants to look at the pages - so bedtime reading for her personally is probably not a good choice,  however she much prefers my partners made up stories and drops to sleep much quicker.

  3. I do....We get caught up in doing things lots of nights during the summer, so it doesnt happen all summer long, but, when in school, during times that are much more regimented, its easier for me to sit down my 4 kids and read them a book...

    I love reading them the Sleep book, Dr Seuss

    i also read them Uncle Remus..its from my own childhood:)

  4. I read as part of the bedtime routine during the school year.  During the summer we are usually equally exhausted and go right to sleep.  Plus during the summer we read more during the day.

  5. well, i did every night. also i read to them during the day. reading to your child is so important. is expands their imagination, cognitive skills, vocabulary, creativity, language skills, social skills, and so much more. it also is a wonderful way to bond with your child and learn so much about them. reading to them introduces them to so much. they ask questions and you are able to educate them.  it is also something your child will always look fondly back upon. A child's IQ develops so much from age 1 - 3 years old. Every new concept or idea you introduce to them influences their IQ. i cant' stress how important i think reading is. i hope at least 90 percent of people read to their children. it is probably more like 50 percent.

    btw my son's IQ is !43 and my daughter is 137, and i truly believe it is a result of reading to them constantly.

  6. we always do, my son hasn't gone to bed without a story (or several stories) since he was like 10 months old.  He loves it, and he has an amazing vocabulary now too, and knows all his letters and numbers, he'll be reading to me before I know it. :)

    I don't know what percentage reads to their kids but I hope it's high, at least for those that are able to do so.

    I saw a PSA on noggin channel the other day that said that 60% of disadvantaged kids have NO access to reading material, that's just unbelievable to me.

  7. I use too! I read 3 books to my oldest daughter every night from about 2-5 now is sporadic. I have a 1 yr old who is up later than big sis and likes to steal the book or get into things while I'm trying to read. But we do read many books through out the day and both my girls have high vocabularies for their ages!

    I would guess it to be around 40 percent.

  8. I read to my child every day.  Either before nap time, or before bed time, and any other time he wants to read.  He enjoys it, because it's all he's ever known, and now it's something exciting for him.  (He's 20 months)

  9. I dont, I feel terrible about it.. My daughters one and the times I have tried to read she just wants to take the book from me and toss it around..Once she will pay attention, I hope I will..

  10. i wouldnt say a huge percent but i always got a bedtime story....maybe more people should...maybe 30%

  11. My husband and I take turns reading my son at least two books every night no exceptions.  I am a teacher and have read the statistics on how it boosts intelligence and the love for reading.  Please read to your children.  I can always tell the kids that aren't read to.  They don't know how to rhyme, they've never heard a nursery rhyme or a fairy tale.  It's very sad.

  12. am 21 years old and i dont remember having my parents or anyone reading bedtime stories to me..

    no big deal, i just want to sleep, period. i'll have dreams anyway.

  13. i read to my kids every single night. no exceptions.

  14. I don't. I tell stories from my imagination, rather than books. Books distract my kids.

    I would think about 50% read to their kids.

  15. We do. Our daughter is 2 1/2 years old. Every night once she is physically in her bed we read a story, say a prayer, and sing a song. Then hug, kiss, nigh-night, lights out. She looks forward to this and gets to pick her own book and song.

  16. I read to both of my kids every night! I think it's very important.  I also read to them before nap time.

  17. Of course they do! I have no idea what the percentage is but, just about everyone I know reads to their kids before bed. It's a great routine and a great way to get to read to your kids. I also make it a point to absolutely read to my kids at lots of other times as well. Reading is such a great thing to do with your kids -- do it whenever you can. There are tons of great books out there for all ages and all interests. Make it fun and enjoyable and do it as often as you can. Your kid will benefit tremendously.

  18. Parents are supposed to read to their kids every day. I feel guilty about bedtime stories because being very pregnant, I find that every time I try to read my kids a story, I end up falling asleep and they get mad! Lately we have watched a routine movie before bed and we sort of have a slumber party in my room. Lately it's been Matilda or Honey I Shrunk The Kids. My kids look forward to their movie as much as they did their story.

    My 7 year old and I just started reading the Chronicles of Narnia in the DAYTIME since we found the whole 7 book series at the goodwill for five bucks.

    I don't know the percentage, but I do know that more educated parents read more to their children. One criteria of a test for at-risk children is how many books are in the home that the kids have access to, if any, and many have none which is tragic.

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