
Do parents think kids are this stupid????

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Whenever I wanna go somewhere with a friend (alone) my mom always says no cause I'll get kidnapped.

And I mean do adults think that if some guy we don't know (or as my mom always says: The boy who you think is your friend (WTF?!?)) comes up to us and says oh your mom said I'll bring you home, we know that HSE is gonna pick us up!

Do adults really think we're THAT stupid?




  1. She can't give you a valid reason that you shouldn't go, so she just relies on the old you will get kidnapped story.  

  2. They do watch too much TV, that's for sure.  

  3. My friend told her 3 children they couldn't go to the park without an adult., but they went any way. The youngest was assaulted by a pedophile,who also  threatened the oldest. Luckily they were able to escape without much harm.  True story      Do you think their mother was unreasonable to tell them they couldn't go to the park alone.?Were they stupid to do it anyway ?

  4. Just Worried for your safety.  

  5. It's not that she thinks you're stupid. She may very well trust you and your decisions. It's the rest of the world that she can't trust. With the times today, you don't really know who to trust. She's just looking out for your best interests.  

  6. If your parents said "go where you want, stay out all night, and bring a boy home if you'd like."

    Then what would you say? "My parents hate me!"

    It is a parents job to give direction so that you do not make a mistake that you will end up regretting for the rest of your life.

    Just like a job, kids are inexperienced, you need training for life, and the parents are the boss!

    Its not thinking that you are stupid, or giving you orders.. try to be understanding towards what they are trying to accomplish, and try even sitting down with them and showing your maturity by discussing your concerns.

  7. she's just trying to protect you

  8. It's not a question of being stupid. One adult can overpower one or two kids.  Also, I have kid locks on the rear car doors of my explorer.  Not because I think my kids are DUMB enough to jump out, but because it is an unnecessary risk.  There is no point risking you getting kidnapped when all it takes is an adult to take you somewhere

  9. no, it means we love you and by the way she probably know you wouldnt willingly go with someone but is perhaps worried someone would try and forcibly take you.

  10. It has nothing to do with being stupid, they are protecting you and when you have a child yourself you will see why they were that way..

  11. You are not stupid but just lack experience, judgement and frame of reference.  

    Life can change based on a single bad choice or decision.  A few seconds  can make the different between life and death.    

  12. they do think we are that stupid

  13. Well, some are obviously a bit naive.  Not every abductor comes up and coaxes children into his car by saying he lost his puppy or their mom sent him to pick them up.  If a 250 - pound guy were to attack you when you were alone, or even with a friend of yours, you'd pretty much be defenseless.  It also depends on your age.  If you were a young kid, I wouldn't let you go out unsupervised.  

  14. Listen to your mom.  Trust her instincts.  Kids aren't stupid...just too trusting.

  15. Don't take offense that she doesn't trust that you will do the right thing.

    She just doesn't want you to get put in a dangerous situation.

    I know it can be frustrating when  you don't have the freedom to do things on your own all the time.

  16. She's trying to pass on her savvy to you.

  17. OMG, MY MOM DOES THAT TO ME ALL THE TIME, then i was finnaly brave enough to ask her to shut up.

  18. You didn't say how old you are.

    You'd be surprised at the ways people have tricked kids into going with them.

    If you're 13 or older I'd say your mom is being over protective. Kidnapping is actually very rare in the US. Kids are in far more danger from their own parents than they are from strangers. Talk to your mom about how you can protect yourself in a dangerous situation, so she'll feel more comfortable about you going out with a friend.

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