
Do patent lawyers or forensics scientists exist in Peru?

by  |  earlier

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I will be getting a BS in biochemistry soon and want to move to peru... I was wondering if I could somehow put my degree to work down there.




  1. Patents aren't honoured too much here.  Typical starting salaries are about 500 USD a month

  2. You won't make as much as you would do in the US but the if you can make a decent income , you would live the life overthere as it is great over there.

    Patent lawyers of course exist in Peru ! what an insult! how do you think corporations and businesses get their patents? by chewing coca leaves?

    Forensics scientist of course exist in Peru! again, what an insult! geezzzzzzzz

    do you know they have universities down there? with governments and congress people , judges, professors, scientists, doctors , business owners and yes! even presidents and vice-presidents.......!!!?????

    first place to try and get info on jobs available are universities.

    second try

    keep in mind the job market isn't to promising, eventhough I love Peru and I think is a great country to live I am not going to deny the economy isn't that great so the ones well off down there are the professionals and business owners.

    see ya and good luck! :D

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