
Do p***s pumps or any other techniques work to make a little p***s look bigger?

by  |  earlier

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I need something to make ******* look big fast. I'm 18, and ******* is about 1 inch soft and 4 inches hard and I'm terrified of my freinds knowing. Next week me and two of my freinds are taking scuba diving lessons and it's requred that you shower before going into the pool. They will definately see it and knowing them they'll tell everyone in my high school. I'm 2 young 2 take pills, does anyone know the best way to make it look bigger?




  1. NONE of that junk works, so stay away from it

  2. I'm sorry to tell U this my friend, but I'm affraid there ain't much U can do about it.

    There is no such thing on the market that will make it be or look BIGGER.

    Everything out there is a SCAM & there only after 1 thing, & that's U're $.

    But hey !!!  U can always look on the positive side of things.  They (U're friends) could be smaller than U R.

    & also remember that being nervous doesn't help matter nether, so U mite get lucky there.

    Sorry, cause I know it's not what U wanted 2 hear but it's the truth.

    Chow & good luck  

  3. Nah, Homey. I dont have an answer for you. Try hiding it when you go in the shower. That's what I did in high school. I didnt want no dudes eye on my stuff.

    After s*x, I dont pee right away. I wait 15-20 mins. It will be soft but it holds a nice size if I dont pee. My girl is still in awe as I walk around naked. That's a little trick for you when you with your girl. Good Luck.  

  4. Here are three good natural p***s enhancement techniques I recommend for rookies. Done properly and consistently, they should add close to an inch or two to your p***s in six weeks.

    1. p***s stretches. This one is very simple. Just take your flaccid p***s and stretch it as far out in front of your body as it will go. Do it gently and gradually and hold it there for thirty seconds. Rest ten seconds between sets and repeat this at least ten times.

    2. Jelqing. This is another great technique for rookies. Get your p***s halfway erect, apply lubrication, and grip it tightly at the base with the thumb and forefinger of one hand. Slowly slide that hand up the shaft toward the tip, pushing as much blood into your p***s as possible. When you reach the tip, immediately grip the base the same way using the other hand and repeat. Do this nonstop for ten minutes.

    3. Ulis. This is a great exercise to increase girth. It is also very easy and does not take much time. Achieve a full erection and grip the base of your p***s the same way you would if you were jelqing. Squeeze as hard as you can without causing discomfort. Your p***s shaft should swell and your p***s head should get big and shiny. Hold for ten seconds and rest for ten seconds. Repeat this three or four times.

    Do this routine every other day and make sure you warm your p***s up before each workout by wrapping it in a hot washcloth for five minutes.

  5. If they are true friends they shouldn't care, plus many "p***s enlargement" techniques are either fake, or damage skin tissue on your p***s.  Do some research on reliable sites.

  6. Get a p***s carnival mirror.

  7. ur 18 and in high school?

  8. They are bigger but not too much. The purpose is to allow erections. The pump pulls blood in to the p***s and then an elastic ring holds the blood there.

  9. if u use a p***s pump it will just make ur p***s have alot of excess skin and wrinkly in the long run,i wouldnt use it.

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