
Do peopel really get offended if you donate to charity instead of traditional wedding favors?

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after comments made about a previous question i decided to ask if charity favors bother people or if doing the dollar dance but donating the money to charity might make my guest still upset. I know people seem to despise the dollar dance which i dont completely understand but to be angry about charity just doesnt make sense to me. Why not give back on my special day?




  1. I think it might be more appropriate to tell your guests that in lieu of wedding gifts. donations could be made to a selection of charities (which you would name).

  2. I didn't see your first question but I am assuming that it is YOUR wedding.  So you can do whatever you want.  And others are always going to be angry about something.  You can't please everyone so on YOUR day please yourself.  If using your wedding as a reason to give money to charity makes you feel good, then do it.

  3. why not make a little "you gave" type thank you card for each guest that participates and a book or paper for them to sign that gets passed along to the charity with the money,you can make cards for pennies on a home printer with your names and dates etc,That way they still get a little keepsake,you get to donate,they get recognized for their effort and everyones happy,Like for the dollar dance it would be great

  4. Because it is bad form, even though your intentions and heart are good and in the right place, this is the wrong time.

    Weddings are NOT fund raisers, neither for you and your groom, nor for charity. Gift cards and money given as a gift is intended only for you and your groom. If they had wanted to give it to charity they would have, and probably wouldnn't  have given as much, in addition, people like to choose the charities they support before they give.

    Money trees are just plain, vulgar and greedy. They say, "Yes, I know you brought a gift for us, but could you give us more of your hard earned money?"

    It's really a crude practice to milk the wedding guests and should be stopped.

    If you really want to help society, as a couple, work for Habitat for Humanity, serve in a Homeless shelter, spend time teaching someone to read. There are countless ways to help give back, just check local volunteer ads and dive in.

    Congratulations on the wedding and good luck.

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