
Do people actually believe in fate?

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like things are going to just work out for them in the end




  1. Sometimes I do.

  2. yes, some does, majority of them you find believing it fate are buddist or chinese cultures.  

  3. Not this people, no. Thanks for asking though!

  4. Some people do because they are very stupid.

  5. it depends. im a christian and i beleive that God has a plan for everyones lives, but the bible also says that faith without works is dead (that doesnt mean that we get to heaven through good deeds in anyway) so we have to help make it happen. (not that God needs any help from us at all). so i beleive that everything happens for a reason and nothing goes unaccordingly 2 God's plan. but the only error i c in ur question is that, God never promised that things would always be ok all the time, Hes said that we as christians would face hard times and be mocked, but He also said that a day is coming where all that wil come to and end, and the ultimate ending for a christian is really the begining of forever in heaven with Him. do i beleive in fate? in a way. do i beleive that everyting will b ok? only in my physical body's ultimate ending.

  6. Because in a certain sense, fate is reality. Our thoughts create our reality, so our thoughts are our fate.  

  7. r u questioning my beliefs? yes? well then f*ck u

  8. I believe in wyrd, which is basically death and the fact that it is inevitable and when your time is up, your SOL.

  9. i do!

  10. yes, people bleive in all sort of things. You first have to start with the definition of belief. One definition says that belief is the absence of evidence or proof. By definition you can believe in anything simply because you don't have to show proof to make it valid.  

  11. That's not fate. Fate is what is destined to happen in your life, no matter how you try to change it. I think God knows our ultimate fate, but I know that even if someone were to tell me my Fate today - first off I wouldn't believe them, and second I'll know that I'll always strive to do my best, no matter what anyone said.

  12. FATE IS A B**** !!!!!!!  my Mom's life is a living h**l ............ she  is paralyzed from her stroke lives in a nursing home and is a broke druggie who's not able to see her family due to personal reasons and she's only 44

  13. Greetings,

    Christians do not believe in fate, but we  believe in God who controls everything that happens and will bring even the bad things to be working for our benefit.  

    Rom 8:28  And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

    Not everything can be called good, but all things work together for Good.

  14. Who says fate has to mean it works out in the end? I don't believe that at all. I believe there is an over-arching destiny or fate, but that we effect how it turns out by our actions.

    Like a painting, Fate/destiny etc is the large outline, while our actions and how we respond to things is what creates the rest of the picture, the different colours and brush strokes that make the painting what it is in the end.  

  15. Of course.

    Isn't it easier to have a positive outlook on things?

  16. a lot of them do..A WHOLE A LOT OF PEOPLE DO ..they believe theire lives were already planned..

    I don't believe in such thing as fate

  17. Yes, people actually do believe in fate.  Sounds like your talking about the optimistic ones.

  18. I believe in fate because alot of things don't work out in life because there is a reason behind them.I personally feel that the things that I wanted and didn't get were the things that were very harmful for me in the long run.

    Hard work is required in life but fate plays an important role too.

  19. Of course not.

  20. You mean like how it worked out for those people plummeting the heights of the WTC while burning?


  21. Why not? It's better to believe in fate than to be negative all the time, wouldn't you agree?

  22. I hope that it dose, but I don't completely rely on it.  it's just there to help keep my head up in the depressing times of my life.

  23. I believe that.

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