
Do people actually believe that liberal s*x education guarantees your children won't get pregnant?

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That is hilarious. I know several children who were openly taught s*x ed. Free birth control is readily available to them and yet there are so many teen pregnancies that we require day care at our schools and abortion clinics stay busy.




  1. There is NO guarantee. s*x ed doesn't do it, but abstinence-only education has been PROVEN to be a failure, over and over.

    Kids are going to have s*x no matter how bad it is for them, or how many times we tell them not to, and if my child is going to disobey me, I'd rather she or he at least be safe about it. So I support s*x ed.

  2. Of course not. No form of s*x education can "guarantee" that. What people, including experts in the field, believe is that a liberal s*x education tends to make teen pregnancy less likely. You have to look at which is more effective, since no form of s*x ed is 100% effective.

    However high the failure rate for condoms and birth control are, they are likely not near as high as the failure rate for sticking to abstinence pledges. If used properly, condoms and birth control are highly effective. Their failure rates are very low, and this would seem to be a reason to teach teens how to use them properly.

    The solution to the ignorance you cite would seem to be better s*x-ed, not teaching abstinence only.

    "Kids don't use anything responsibly. Most don't even wear their seat belts and they know they are safer with them." So what is your solution? Teaching abstinence? If kids aren't responsible, how exactly is abstinence going to work?

    On this question I am going to side with the experts in the field who recommend thorough s*x-ed, not someone on yahoo answers who doesn't seem to know what they are talking about.

  3. no,

    its not about stopping them getting pregnant,

    its about educating them on the details of s*x, of pregnancy , of their own bodies as you say they dont know about

    all this is useful to know and can HELP avoid unwanted pregnancies

  4. The success rate is much higher than teaching abstinence. It's also much safer for our youth too, as if it isn't taught then kids are far less likely to use protection and not only can they end up with an unexpected pregnancy, but they could also wind up dead.

  5. It is more plausible to estimate that teenagers who understand how to use contraceptives appropriately, and have access to them will have a lower pregnancy rate than those that do not.  

    Failure rates for condoms alone can be unacceptably high.  That is why people who understand the proper use of contraceptives pair condom use with additional means.

  6. I think that people think we can teach children and teens how to make responsible sexual decisions assuming that  they are responsible adults. These programs usually do not consider the fact that teens are not adults and are not equipped to make responsible sexual decisions.

    Most adults can not make "responsible" sexual decision, yet we expect to teach teens to do so, even though many can not do their own laundry.

    We can talk about all the facts and " how to"s about s*x and contraception, but that is not going to magically make kids responsible or equipped to suddenly have s*x.

    I agree with you totally.More focus should be on teaching kids how their own bodies work , than to push condoms and birth control pills like they are some kind of cure-all for society's ill.

  7. What I noticed back when I was in college, those college students with disinterested and apathetic parents--parents who rarely or never called them or took an interest in their lives--it was those college students who were most likely to engage in one-night stands. Premarital s*x is often something people do when they're feeling bad about themselves, when they're feeling unloved.  By contrast, those with loving parents--parents who called them every day or several times a week, and had a close relationship with them--those college students were much less likely to have premarital s*x, if they did so at all. Liberal s*x education doesn't guarantee a kid won't get pregnant.  In fact, it encourages a casual attitude toward s*x and serves to discourage abstinence--the best form of birth control.

    God bless!


  8. i believe s*x ed does help but kids will always still just be kids and some will still have the idea that it will never happen to them but ignoring it and not teaching them anything will not help the situation either. there is honestly no right answer to this and their will always be teen pregnancy. but dont think that kids will wait until marriage in this day and age especially since people are waiting until much later in life to get married compared to decades before. it is natural for humans to be sexually curious at a young age. just no one bitched about it before because kids got married in their late teens and early 20s so it was much easier for them to wait but even whose even saying they waited

  9. increased knowledge, education, and information never hurt anybody

  10. Of course not, what a ridiculous question. Nothing guarantees a person won't get pregnant except abstinence.  

    The conservative approach works just as well; just ask Candidate Palin's 17 yr. old daughter. Oops!

    You even state in your question the benefits of s*x education.

  11. No, but it sure will help.

  12. You may not have wanted to ask that question so soon after everyone found out about Ms. Palin being pregnant at 17.

    There is no guarantee that children won't get pregnant, no matter what you teach them.

    I'd like to know how many of those pregnancies arose from kids not putting on a condom properly or forgetting to take a birth control pill. It would seem the cause is still inadequate education.

    Abstinence-only education doesn't work very well either. Virginity pledges are great at keeping girls from carrying condoms. As for stopping them having s*x... eh... maybe not.

  13. s*x education does not offer guarantees.  Teens will have s*x with or without birth control, regardless of the political or religious beliefs of the parents.

    All parents can really do is give their child all the information possible, and raise them to be self confident, happy, well adjusted and have self respect.  Although that won't guarantee they won't have reckless s*x, it just means you did your job as a parent the best you could, and hope the values, or some of them, sunk in.

    You love your child, and if they s***w up, you love them more.

  14. It's pretty sad..children are taught to do what feels good, without regard for the emotional toll it will take on them...not to mention the physical toll such as stds and unplanned pregnancy.

    When did the 'academic elite' start to assume that we are just like every other animal, and cannot control our urges? Why is it looked upon as 'uncool' to wait? OR is this just another way to get us to rely on the gov't...both to supply our children with birth control, then to supply them with welfare when they start families too young...

  15. Of course not.  Nobody has claimed any guarantee.  Duh.

    Why are you spending so much time in abortion clinics?

    Kids who have seen a condom and learned the correct way to use them are more likely to use one, and to use it properly, than kids who aren't allowed to know that they exist.  Even if a couple decides to wait until marriage they may want to prevent pregnancy and obviously need to know how to do that.  Logic 101 (it might be located in the Foreign Language section of your local school).

  16. Well I can tell you this, If you don't know your own anatomy you never had comprehensive s*x education.  And as far as condoms go, they work alot better than not using them.

    I'm not sure what you even mean by a "liberal" s*x education.  As a health care provider, the only way to keep our kids safe from both disease and unwanted pregnancy is though comprehensive s*x/reproductive health education.    

  17. I think when condoms are properly used, they are effective in preventing pregnancy about 97% of the time.

    Birth control pills (when used correctly) are about 99% effective.

    "Kids don't use anything responsibly. Most don't even wear their seat belts and they know they are safer with them."

    So should we not bother telling them to wear their seatbelts then? Of course, sexual education is not a guarentee, but preventative measures such as the pill and condoms are better than no protection. Teenagers who are taught abstinance only programs have s*x anyways.

  18. There is no way to guarantee our children won't get pregnant (or become fathers).  We don't get to supervise them every waking hour when they become teens and that is also when they're pushing away from us anyway.

    I chose to start educating my child about s*x when he was young and we'll see whether it "works" or not.  

    s*x ed belongs to parents, and I'm really sorry some parents haven't done their jobs, but that doesn't mean the schools get to do mine.

  19. No, it doesnt gauruntee it, but atleast I know my child isnt going to have s*x thinking she cant get preg if she is on top and then come home preg.  

    The failure rate is only because these girls are not being instructed on the importance of how to use it properly.  They are all about 99% accurate when used correctly.  These girls arent being taught that they HAVE to take their pill at the exact same time or it wont work.  They arent being taught that some meds can interfer with hormonal bc.  Boys arent being taught how to properly use a condom.  The forget to leave the tip open at the head of the p***s, so when the ejaculate the pressure breaks the condom.

    You said it, may of our girls dont know their own anatomy.  Hence the reason we should be teaching them.

    Do you have any idea the number of myths our children believe?  Perhaps you should wander over to the women's health section, which is full of tween and teens asking qs about these myths...  things like...  believing they can only get preg on their period, or that they cant get preg if they have s*x in water, or if the douche after or this or that or this or that.  If we educated them, the unplanned preg rate would go far far far down.

  20. Nothing guarantees your child won't get pregnant, even teaching abstinence doesn't always work. My mother taught me abstinence, but I was a teenager and thought I knew everything so I didn't listen to her. Nothing is guaranteed, but at least if kids are taught how to use condoms they might use them.

  21. I taught my chldren about their choices, their bodies, and how to control their fertility.  They both use condoms and birth control methods which have been quite successful.  I have no grandchildren yet.  They are married, ages 25 &27.

    I think fundies like to teach abstinence just so they can be grandparents sooner... it's selfish, I tell ya...

    Reliability of birth control, when it is properly used, is quite high.

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