
Do people actually care enough about the environment to actually try to make a difference?

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I see a lot of people who litter out on the streets,parks,even churches thats wrong people don't you agree.




  1. The "Trick" is going to BE; HOW to make people SEE- that it's in their OWN best Interests to protect the Environment... And I believe it will take a few more "Katrina's", 2 or 3 more "100 Year Floods", and a six week Summer heatwave along the East Coast- to give People a "Clue" -that maybe it's TIME, to DO something about it...  :(

  2. I've seen a lot of communities go around and clean up litter in the neighborhoods. I think that's great! Everyone likes a clean neighborhood. My pet peeve is people that throw cigarettes out the windows of their cars!

  3. it is very wrong to litter. i do think ppl care enough to make a difference cause i sure do. (:


  5. Well i admit i have littered in my life but at the same time i tell my friends to clean up after themselves or when they litter i pick it up and put the trash in the trash can.  I do like a clean environment though

  6. We can only make a commitment for ourselves.

    I'm not going to nail myself to the cross for the sins of others.

    From my parents example of half a century ago of carrying trash to the dump to turning off water when brushing teeth and lights and recycling everything we could during the WWll has continued with my children.

    The trash found in the poorer sections of town was put there by locals and not carried there by rich people.

    Like I said, I don't crawl up on the cross for the sins of others.

  7. I think littering is terrible, I know heaps of people who hate heat or/and love animals, and its just stupid because by doing that you're just making things go against you.

    But although its a terrible thing to do, and caring is good, there are people who care too much, some people look up on the internet which companies recycle and stuff, just because of one tiny piece of false info they could turn against one of the companies who really care, wich is ruining they're business for no reason, this is what greenpeace did to Nintendo. This is just an example, there are way more bad things overcarers do.

  8. Yes, but not enough of them...

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