
Do people actually like jealousy?

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I have social anxiety. I see all of these couples getting insanely jealous and trying to control their partners as though they're property. I wish I could just step in and say, "Hey, I'd never be like her. I would understand if you wanted to hang out with friends and I wouldn't spaz if your eyes wandered at dinner; I understand you're human." But instead I just sit back and watch as people go through the same motions over and over again, letting themselves be emotionally abused and controlled, then finally leave in a world of hurt. Do they like that? I mean, if I were to be open and trusting, is that a turnoff? It seems like a lot of people see jealousy and caring as the same thing. Do I have a shot if I'm too laid back? It seems like people who aren't insane end up being walked all over.




  1. jealousy is not about liking or's natural feeling in everybody,time to time everyone gets jeaolus for some's not in our control.

  2. no thank god not, but you need to have the strength to stand for what you want and go for it, not allowing anyone to tell you your wrong in wanting to be picky and not wanting to keep up with unreasonable things.

    jealousy is a sign of insecurity in a relationship, a truly healthy relationship aint insecure, they know eachother well enough they can totaly trust eachother, if they cant they shouldnt be togheter, aint rigth for eachother, the lack of trust come from lack of understanding eachother, and being able to know and trust they know the other person enough to estimate their behaviour. Why in all do you think so many marriages fail? people let their emotions rule instead of using their head and realise love is not enough in a relationship, more is needed for one to function and work out. So people end up marrying someone they never should have married, allowing their emotions to blind them.

  3. Some people are just jealous by nature.  Some people just love the drama of it all.  Others..(like me) feel the same as you.  Open and trusting often translates to boring.  Even though you are not boring, a lot of people need the constant excitement in their lives.  I personally know that I am more attracted to those that want me to be jealous and purposely evoke jealous feelings from me.  I have learned though, that that excitement turns to endless drama and now I try to only date men that are more laid back like I am.  Less drama, less heartache.  

  4. you have to get hurt once and then you will understand what it is like to lose someone to another person. then you will understand that jealousy is very very natural.  

  5. There is a strange trend in people to judge the 'depth' of someone's feelings about something by how much they can be made to 'hurt'.  Jealousy is one of those.  When presented in a coy, silly, or loving manner, it can be a wonderful reinforcement.  Unfortunately, Jealousy (and her sister emotions Shame and Fear) lead directly to one outcome.


  6. I know what your saying, I have a friend that doesn't like when her bf hangs around other girls without her. One time she even got mad that she was hanging around boys and her boyfriend didn't care. I'm defiantly not this kind of person. To be honest, I don't think people like that and their relationships with them end up not lasting long. They get into a lot of fights and find out they are not good for eachother. when their bf/gf are jealous some people in the relationship need space unless they feel choked. The reason the guy/girl could have went out with that person could have depended mostly on the way they look or other sides of their personality. If your open and trusting that is defiantly not a turn off b/c it shows the person you love, you can trust them. Caring and jealousy are most likely two different things, caring is when you care about your love feelings, while jealousy is not caring at all and just trying to get what you want. If your laid back you will have a shot at love, just relax and let it come to you. If your a nice person sooner or later you will get someone that really loves you for who you are. Hope I helped =) Good Luck!

  7. A little bit of jealousy in a relationship is okay. It feels good to be wanted exclusively. Too much jealousy is disfunctional and can cause many problems. I sympathize with the social anxiety, I struggled with mine for years. Being open and trusting is an investment in a relationship. The problem is to figure out whether it is a good investment or a bad investment on a case by case basis. Some are not worthy of trust and it is usually nice guys/gals who get hurt finding that out.

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