
Do people actually think blondes are dumb?

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Do people actually believe that blondes are more stupid then brunettes or red-heads? And where did the dumb blonde stereotype come from? Do you think blondes are dumb?




  1. I put the blame on some blonds..They do act stupid and then I guess idiot people pick up on this and started making jokes. I don't think all blonds are stupid.  

  2. I being the woman I am would say we are not dumb!

    Us blondes are simply more optimistic and open minded than others.

  3. No, they know it.

  4. well the brunnettes heard how blondes have more fun (bekuz back then i think men liked blondes better...) so they came up with something stupid like saying we ( blondes) are dumb... dragging the guys away to them!

  5. It has been statistically proven over the years. But it doesn't apply to ALL blondes. I know some very intelligent blonde people. And sometimes brunettes can act a bit "blonde" also! So no, you can't put them all in the same league!

  6. I'm a natural blond and I smarter then most people in my class and I think it is wrong to call a blond dumb.  

  7. cause the ones that you see on T.V are

  8. Not really, anyone can be dumb, I just think that it came from the fact that blodes are considered to be more funloving and outgoing so their need for education lacks a great deal, so they don't learn anything and therefore if they are (stereotypically) like that, it seems more common.

    But it is true that its statistically proven, I don't know why, just is, but these days, there are so many people who are greatly uneducated that its not so much a proven fact now.

    EDIT:  Its unclear as to how its proven, they just say it is, but my guess is that research is so varied it csn be done in any way, personally I would take all the top grades from schools which have mixed races (no offence...just an asian school wouldn't have natural blondes so it would add to the scores of the non blones unfairly) and just filter which of those ppils were blonde and which were brunette, black and ginger.

  9. I don't think blondes are dumb. Granted, I am blonde, but I've always had good grades & did well academically (good genes lol). I am not sure where the stereotype comes from, but it's definitely untrue. The natural blondes that I've met (like myself) are usually intelligent people. The most ignorant people I've met have been people with blonde highlights or fake blonde hair (and are usually men!). I know a lot of natural blondes that dye their hair darker colors, or reds, rather than remain blondes.

    Perhaps the dumb blonde thing originated back in the 50's & 60's, with all the beach bums & blonde surfer people were starting to become really popular.

    All in all, I think anyone can be dumb. It doesn't matter what color your hair or skin is, there's idiots in every group. :D If you don't believe that, watch Jay Leno sometime, when he asks people on the street simple questions.

  10. the blonde jokes came about because of political correctness, we weren't allowed to make jokes about racial stereotypes so all the irish/polish jokes got changed to blonde jokes and recycled.

    I think stupidity is shared out pretty equally between all of us though.

    The stereotype i think would have come from women who have managed to get ahead on their physical appearance rather than any quality of their character. I think there is at some level a resentment of these people who offer the world so little and yet are treated so favourably. Blonde jokes are just a way of displaying scorn for them 'blonde' is just a word that is used but no-one really means 'all people with blonde hair'.

    (the first answerer illustrates this when she says brunettes can act like blondes)

  11. I think so, I wouldnt hold that sterotype about natural blondes though, just the platinum headed young ladies in bikinis talking on their phones and driving their expensive cars that were bought for them. I assume they are at least spoiled if not stupid. I am a natural blonde myself, changed to brunette a few years back : )

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