
Do people annoy you who do things for charity?

by  |  earlier

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like a parachute jump and then subrtract the cost of the event from the collected money. So in reality they just wanted to do a parachute jump for free.




  1. Why would it offend me - the charity and the indiviual both get something out of it. Its a win win situation.

  2. That's so not true. Fund raising events aren't just to raise funds; they are also to raise awareness. And the reality is that most concerts, runs, walks, relays, parachute jumps and what not raise a lot more **awareness** about a particular issue than funds. Also, many of these events also have people who volunteer their time to help make the event happen -- that means they aren't paid and are working for free.

  3. I agree, so lets set up an annoy people for charity event. people can pay either to be annoyed, or for us to annoy them individually, either way we win. the money can go to the needy people who get annoyed about people who do charities for their own benefit, and that would be us... so we become the very people we are annoyed with...... I am annoyed with myself now ( just donated a pound to myself)

  4. People who do parachute jumps annoy me no matter why they do it.

    Millions of years of evolution, and countless hours of human endeavour to keep those big ol' planes up there, in the sky, and what to the loony toons do?


    They go and jump out of them.


  5. What annoys me is:  The call on the phone for a donation and when you tell them you don't have any extra (retired) that you are on a fixed income, they keep on and on trying to get you to donate anyway. They will not take no for an answer so I usually have to hang up on them.  O know this is impolite but what else can one do?

  6. I hate it when people brag about all the money they have donated, etc............. Giving should be kept anonymous if you really mean it  but hypocrites always have to tell the world to justify their inadequacies.

  7. Sometimes yes! People around here are ALWAYS collecting money for 'mission trips' when in reality they are going somewhere that doesn't need any help, especially from some 18 yr old kids. A lot of the time they're just getting something to pad out their resume and a free trip!

    Also 'gap year' charity work often affects the area people travel to detrimentally. Teachers are getting fired to make way for 'English as a second language teachers' who pay to be there. The money that it costs most people to fly over and stay in various places and the cost of their 'training' etc would fund locals to do any work they would have otherwise done and then some AND by employing local people helps the local economy too!

    People just love thinking their making a difference and feeling better about themselves rather than actually helping those who need it in a way that is less glamorous and hands on.

    (Obviously not everyone but a large proportion of people who I've recently met, especially a lot of students!)

  8. no!! not at all. i love all that. local runs for local charities and stuff like that always get donations from me. that's what communities are about. and you can see where your money is going. and if its for the community. then it will ultimately benefit you as well. its BIG!! charities that i refuse to give to. every pound you give means 1p to the people who need it. and 99p to the greedy b@stard fat cats and embezzlers that are running it. that is what gets on my nerves. on one hand seeing starving kids with flies in there eyes and dying for want of food. and on the other hand seeing the people that are running the charities getting out of mega expensive cars and entering 'charity paid for' self congratulatory  banquets with specially brought it foods. the best wines and do i know!! cos i have  site read for the expensive cabaret acts at a h**l of a lot of them in my time. and believe me. they dont scrimp on their entertainment budget.

  9. true,what annoys me is those who cold call to raise money for charity,only so they can earn the commission from it

  10. Its really not those kind of people, its the people that call you every month and say they are from a fire department, police station, etc, and they want you to donate money over the phone to them, and then you find out that only 5% of the money you donate is going to a good cause, and the rest is to pay the salaries of these people that you spoke with. So usually I get annoyed with them, because when they tell me they are from my local fire department or police department, and you think about it, if our local things needed money, that would set up charity things in the local area, not have someone call somewhere in BFE that isn't even connected to them.

  11. No way! They are great people for doing that. It's people like you that make the world a terrible place to live in! Please donate. It feels good. If you were needy (which I wouldn't doubt because of your nasty attitude, you would want someone doing that stuff for you. My children do at least 4 hours of service a week, and ear money from me for doing it. My children usuauly put half in savings, half to charity. AMAZING CHILDREN HAVE MORE RESPECT THAN YOU.


  13. well i see your point but if someone raises thousands and it costs a few hundred pounds to do something i dont see there is a problem with it.

    But i do understand what your saying and why you say it.. i think it depends on the charity event...

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